|Chapter 7|

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that day after school, anthony and i went home so we can talk. i still have no idea what happened in the hall between him and raegan. i don't want to seem selfish, but it seemed like they were fighting over me? i don't know.

once we get back to the house, i texted jayden telling him to come over. i need to stop running away from my problems, especially with my boyfriend.

"he's on his way." i tell ant. he looks at me and gives me a little nod. i told him most of the story on the way home, there's not a lot to it. and i didn't mention why we were fighting..he didn't ask. and i'm glad he didn't.

"are you okay?" i add to my comment about jayden on his way. he sits down the couch and takes a deep breath.

"yeah." he looks up and smiles a little. "why wouldn't i be?"

"because of what happened today. you and raegan were acting weird." i point out to him. he shakes his head, breaking eye contact with me.

"no, just forget it. it's fine." he says quickly and i push it off. i won't forget about it, but i won't bother him right now.

i take a seat on the couch and we sit in silence. i don't want anything to be awkward. we are usually never this quiet. did something actually happen between him and raegan before or after the whole scene during lunch in the hallway?

there's a knock at the door that takes me out of my thoughts. i stand up and walk to the door, opening it for jayden. he sees me and comes in, no communication what so ever. we walk over to the sitting room and anthony is looking up now.

"no." jayden says. i look at him confused.

"no what?" i ask.

"im not discussing this with you while he's in the room." he says and crossing his arms. i roll my eyes a bit.

"oh come on. our fight has to do with him so why don't we just talk about it." i say a little irritated and i know anthony has both his eyes on me right now.

"you didn't tell me that." i hear him say and i sigh, walking to sit on the couch.

"it didn't come up." i say quietly, not wanting him to pester me about this.

"justin lets go upstairs, this is none of his business." jayden says and i shake my head at him.

"here, right now. or never." i say, realizing i'm being very stubborn. but ant is my best friend, he has to hear this. "he's my best friend jayden."

"that still gives him no right. this is between us, not you and your best friend." he says mocking me a bit as he says 'best friend'.

"just stop. anything we talk about, we can talk about in front of jayden. and this concerns him!" i say a little louder, being the most stubborn i've ever been. i just don't want to keep up with this anymore.

"fine!" says says loudly back to me. he turns to anthony and seems to snap. "i am sick of you always around my boyfriend. he's my boyfriend, not yours! i could care less who you are, stay away from him!"

my eyes widen in shock and ant stands up, looking at jayden with a look i've never seen before. he steps past me and walks up to jayden.

"you think justin would stop talking to me for you?" he laughs a little like this whole situation is ridiculous. "you're sorry mistaken."

they keep a stern stare at each other and i pull anthony's shirt a little.


"i don't see any good in you and i don't like you around justin. you should just stay away while you can." jayden interrupts me and before i can say anything to that, ant pushes jayden's chest forcefully  and he stumbles back.

i back up as jayden comes back at anthony will full force and shoves him, making him fall back on the couch.

"guys stop, really." i say quickly and step in front of jayden.

"get out of the way justin. i'm sick of all this." he says and i shake my head.

"no, this is not how i intended this to go. let's just talk about this." i say gently, grabbing his hand lightly. despite the fact we disagree on this and he's being kind of an asshole, i still love him. i don't want to lose him. i don't want to lose either of them.

he takes his hand away from mine and backs away from me. ant gets up from the couch and stands behind me.

"justin you are not seriously considering this right? you're my best friend..i-"

"no no of course not." i cut him off.

"why does this bother you?" anthony asks jayden, who is staring at both of us. "we are only best friends. i have a boyfriend also." he crosses his arms.

of course i am put right in the middle of them, and they are both taller than me.

"it's not that i think you like him. it's just that you guys spent so much time together. even you're boyfriend spends a lot of time with him. would like to get to see my boyfriend sometimes." jayden says.

"you're kidding right?" i ask him and he looks at me confused. "i don't spend much more time with him than i do with you." i explain.

"yeah actually, you do." he argues.

"no he doesn't so you need to stop acting like a child!" anthony raises his voice behind me. i can tell he's getting frustrated, and i don't blame him.

"you should not even be in this conversation so shut up." as those words leave my boyfriends mouth, i am pushed to the side and my eyes focus on ant as he pushes jayden against the wall. he gets all on his face and jayden pushes him back again.

"stop!" i say loudly but they both seem to ignore me. jayden looks in pain from his back being rammed in the wall.

ant grabs jayden's shirt, and i realize he's a lot stronger than i thought.

"ant please stop." i say pleading, not wanting anyone to get hurt. jayden shakes his head at him and takes his hands off his shirt, reversing the position and bringing anthony to the wall, slamming his back against it.

my eyes go from them to raegan coming into the house.

"justin is my boyfriend and he loves me!" jayden says loudly, making my body shake. raegan sees me and runs into the sitting room, hearing jayden. he grabs jayden's shirt and jerks him away from anthony. ant is kind of breathing heavy.

"what is going on?!" raegan yells as he pulls ant away form jayden, hugging him tightly.


"why the hell did your boyfriend have anthony against the wall like that?" he asks me, cutting off my words.

"i just wanted to talk but they- they both-"

"save it justin." he cuts me off again, and my face drops. is he mad at me? i can see anthony still looking at jayden with a death stare. he makes eye contact with me and his eyes become soft.

"in the kitchen. now." i demand jayden and he walks with me to the kitchen.

i'm not dead i promise.
i'm going to try to get back on schedule with updating bc i missed writing for a few days haha
love you all ❤️ please vote

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