|Chapter 24|

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my eyes are glued to jayden's familiar face as he is being dragged over here by anthony.

"what is going on?" i ask both of them as they stop in front of me. anthony looks at jayden and back at me.

"i just saw rae's car drive down our street. i think you need a little reminder about who you actually fell in love with." ant says to me and my jaw drops. is he joking?

"you aren't serious?" i ask in the most serious but also jokingly way. they keep straight faces.

"i know you have feelings for raegan. maybe once you see the boy who you definitely are still in love with, you'll leave my boyfriend alone!" he says louder to me and my eyes widen at him. oh my god. he's officially gone insane.

"anthony please, this isn't the way to resolve things." i say to him, shaking my head. jayden stares at me as i talk.

"so, you do like raegan? i was right to tell you to stay away from him when we were together." jayden points out and i bite my tongue.

"that was totally different, you don't know what i was feeling at that point. and why did you even agree to do this?" i ask and slap my arms by my sides. this is making me angry and anxious at the same time.

"anything to get you away from raegan. i can't believe you would do that to your best friend." he speaks in such a fake sympathetic voice. i hate him. i really do. i want to scream for the tenth time today.

"you are pathetic." i say, looking right into jayden's eyes.

"no, you're pathetic!" anthony raises his voice i jump back a little from his sudden tone. his face is red and he has slight tears in his eyes.

"w-what?" i ask, taken back from him.

"you're the one who likes your best friends boyfriend." he says. "look at his face justin. look at the boy who you actually love and who treated you amazing." he talks slowly and i just want to push past both of them and storm out of the house.

"you have no idea what went on, ant!" i finally yell. "listen no offense but jayden kinda treated me like shit sometimes and i'm sorry that i kissed raegan. multiples time. i really am but this is so stupid! you had no right bringing him here or having the nerve to tell me who i love!" i snap at anthony and he raises my eyebrow. i can tell he wants to scream right back at me.

"you have no right to be mad at me! you kissed my boyfriend. and i know you like him. the boy i love with everything i have." he fires back and i feel my head spinning.

"you brought jayden here! of course i have a right to be mad. that was so uncalled for." i explain to him. jayden is just standing here. grinning at us bickering.

"i was just trying to show you what was real with you. i'm forgiving raegan. he is my boyfriend, not yours-"

"raegan doesn't want you anymore!" i yell and slap my hand over my mouth, immediately regretting it. no no no that did not just come out of my mouth. please say that did not just come out of my mouth.

everything becomes silent. it feels like time stopped. they are both staring at me. anthony wipes away a tear from his cheek.

"what'd you just say?" he asks clearly wanting me to clarify. that was probably the last thing be expected to come out of my mouth.

"i didn't- that didn't mean to come out that way." i say. "shit." i mumble. i look down, not making eye contact with ant anymore.

"just go..jayden." he says slightly pushing him but still looking at me. jayden just leaves and i want to tell him to not come back ever, but i can't move. i can't speak. 

"how do you know he doesn't want me anymore?" he asks me, another tear rolling down his face.

"please ant i'm so sorry. i didn't want to say it in that way i-"

"i asked how do you know?" he cuts me off, talking a little louder. i'm about to ruin my best friends relationship, but has to know the truth.

"h-he told me." i say almost too quiet. anthony shakes his head and turns away from me.

"wait-" i grab his arm but he yanks it away from me.

"no stop. don't touch me." he stutters a little and the room goes silent again. "huh. my best friend stealing my boyfriend. that's a new one."

"i never wanted to do this to you. i've fucked up, i know. trust me ant i know. b-but i don't know what to do now. i lost jayden and the way i did, i've set myself up to lose you too. please, i can't lose you. you're my best friend. it may not seem like but you are and i'm yours." i explain to him, feeling like absolute shit for doing this to him.

"you're right, it doesn't seem like it." he shakes his head and my eyes fill with water. "i need you to tell me everything."

"what?" i ask.

"i need you to tell me everything you and raegan have talked about. even what you've done. i have a feeling that those two kisses were not the only thing you've done with him." he says and i was dreading this. i don't want to tell him. he doesn't know what raegan has told me. he doesn't know what we did that one night...what i wanted him to do.

"i don't know what you're talking about." i try to avoid everything at all costs right now.

"yes you do. tell me or you're not my best friend." he says and i wipe my face from my tears.

"fine." i agree and sit on the couch, watching as he comes and sits next to me. i don't want to this to him.

another cliffhanger haha i'll post again soon. i hope you enjoyed, if you're still here lmao
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