|Chapter 6|

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i keep running, down every hallway. i don't even know where i am going. no ones in the hallway, until i feel myself smash into someone. i wasn't even paying attention.

"oh my god, i'm sorry i—justin?" i look up and see raegan in front of me. great. i wipe my face of my tears and put my head down, panicking to stop the tears. "hey hey what happened?" he asks me. i keep my head down.

"j-jayden." i stutter, feeling my hand get soaked from my tears. my whole face is a mess.

"what did he do?" he asks, and i watch his feet step a foot closer to me.

"he won't listen to me. i'm scared." i admit, finally looking up. his eyes widen, as more tears come out of mine. that is not the jayden i've been dating for so many months.

"don't cry." he says gently, coming closer and bringing his hand up to my face. my whole body continues to shake as he wiped my cheeks with his thumb. there was so much anxiety as he pushed me. i cant do this.

"i can't help it, he's never acted like this before. he's not himself." i say quickly, and he just continues to looks into my eyes. i can tell he's listening.

"shh shh it's okay." he says softly and sweetly. i take his hands off my face and shake my head.

"it's not okay!" i say loudly. "first we get in a stupid argument about something and he's trying to make me decide between two things. i cant choose because i want both those things! then he tell me we are over if i don't chose and he won't respect the fact that i don't want to talk to him!" i say quickly, going on and on and raegan's eyes widen more with my words. i wipe my face, feeling the anger and tears burst out.

"now he's pushing me and threatening me saying 'or else' and 'you'll regret it' when he knows i'm so sensitive and i freaked out. why me? why doesn't he understand. i shouldn't be scared of my own boyfriend!" i feel my whole body turn into anger as i hit the lockers with my hand and pull it back in pain.

"don't-" raegan starts, and holds in my hand gently as he pulls me into a tight hug. "he pushed you?" he asks. i nod in his chest. i start crying as he holds me, feeling my anger disappear and my fear come back.


"he can't put his hands on you like that." he says rubbing my back softly. i hold his shirt in fists, feeling all my emotions poor out of me.

"i don't know why he would even think about it." i say quietly and we just stand there, embracing each other. i slowly but surely calm down, feeling raegan comforting me like this is exactly what i needed.

"hey look at me." i hear him say quietly and he pulls away, looking into my eyes. he puts his hands on my face, rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs. i can see the hurt in my eyes. i probably look a mess.

"i-i..i don't-"

"no no shh, it's going to be okay." he says gently, and i believe him. i believe what he tells me. i nod slightly, still shaky. he gives me a little smile, his face a little too close to mine. and i feel like he's getting closer.

"hey guys.." i hear and raegan gets away from me a little quickly. we both turn to look at anthony. i think he saw raegan with his hands on my face, not to mention we were extremely close. i don't want him to get the wrong idea.

"hi ant." i smile at him, but he keeps a straight face. he looks from me to raegan. raegan looks down.

"i-i was just comforting him." he says quietly, and i wonder why he stuttered like that. that's really all he was doing..right?

"while you're faces were inches apart? that's a new way to comforting a friend, at least for me." ant says a little harshly, crossing his arms. he takes his eyes off of raegan for a second and looks at me.

"it wasn't like that. something happened with jayden and i just happened to run into raegan. he helped calmed me down." i say and glance at raegan quickly. i feel like that could of been something more. that moment. that's so fucked up to think about but it's true.

"what happened with jayden?" he asks, ignoring my other words said. i take a deep breath, and turn around quickly. no one is around.

"he's not himself. he's acting weird and-"

"he's threatening him and he pushed justin." rae say taking over, and anthony looks at him. "he was crying as he ran down the hall, good thing i was there to comfort him while no one else was." he adds and i can't help but think what he is doing is weird. why would he word it like that?

"what?" anthony asks, stepping in front of raegan.

"you heard me."

"justin's my best friend, and i'm sure it was only like that because you happened to just be in the hallway." he says to rae, and i shake my head in confusion. what is happening?


"i'm sure if i was in the hallway, it would have been better for him. he needs someone like his best friend to comfort him." ant keeps talking and i'm beyond confused right now. it sounds like they are fighting over me? no, no why would they? they wouldn't.

i now notice how close raegan as gotten to ant. shit. i quickly go in between them, facing anthony. they are giving each other almost a death stare.

"okay guys, it's over now. i will fix things with jayden and this will all be over." i say to them. i want to fix things with jayden but for some reason i still do not want to talk to him. i'm going to have to sooner or later.

"okay." i hear raegan say and walk away from us. i see him disappear into the halls and i turn back to anthony.

"what was that?" i ask him, and he looks down at me slightly.

"nothing. can you tell me all about jayden? and maybe after school you can invite him over. you should talk to him, and i'll be there with you." he says and i nod. he's right, i should talk to him. and i will tell him everything.

hii everyone i'm here. i hope everyone is doing good and having a great morning/afternoon/night. whatever is it haha! i love you all and hope you enjoyed ❤️

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