|Chapter 15|

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as i was still sitting in the car, reagan's car pulls up in front of our house. i get out, and he sees me.

"hey, what are you doing here?" i ask a little awkward, playing with my fingers at my chest.

"i came to talk to anthony." he says and smiles a little. i nod.

"um, he told me what you said to him about me. i said the same thing." i tell him and he keeps the little smile on his face. he makes his way to the front door and i follow, me going inside after him.

"rae?" raegan looks to the side and sees ant coming up to him.

"hi." he says quietly and i just walk upstairs, not interfering with them.

i sit on my bed, just staring off into space. this past week or so has been crazy. i want to take it back, it's ruined so much. it wasn't worth it, none of it.

i realized about 10 minutes later that i was laying down, just thinking. thinking about everything and everyone. my mind is racing, thinking about what's going to happen next with raegan, jayden, and anthony.

"are you kidding me?!" i hear anthony yell from downstairs which makes me jump off my bed. i quickly run to my door and quickly down the stairs.

"i didn't mean it like that, i just- ugh!" raegan grabs a fist of his hair in frustration. they both see me and just stop everything they are doing.

"what's happening?" i ask and they both just continue looking at me.

"this is so stupid! why did you guys have to kiss?!" he raises his voice again and i just stand there, along with raegan.

"we don't know, okay? it was a mistake." raegan says and walks up to him. "i love you. please can we forget about all of this." i can hear the hurt in his beautiful voice.

"i don't know, i can't stop replying the image of you two kissing." he sits on the couch, rubbing his head slowly. raegan looks at me be shrugs, trying to tell me he doesn't know what else to do.

"ant." i say and he quickly looks at me. i go over and sit next to him on the couch. "you know raegan loves you so much, almost as much as i love you." i smile a little.

"i know but-"

"everyone makes mistakes." i interrupt him and his eyes widen a little at what i tell him. "raegan and i made a mistake, don't you think we deserve a second chance?" i ask him.

"yeah of course, i just-" he stops talking and looks from raegan to me multiple times. "it's just weird." he admits. i glance up at raegan quickly.

ant quickly stands up from the couch and runs up the stairs. i look at raegan, and he's already looking at me.

"why can't he just fucking get over it?" rae asks, irritated. i stand up off the couch and go over to him.

"he loves you too much rae." i say and i hear him take a breath. "he doesn't want to lose you."

"he doesn't want to lose you either." he tells me and i smile.

"yeah definitely not." i tease and he shakes his head, laughing to himself a little. then it's silent.

"i'm sorry." he says and i just stand there, confused.

"why are you sorry?" i ask, walking closer to him and putting my hand under his chin. he looks down at me.

"i shouldn't of." he says and i furrow my eyebrows at him.

"i shouldn't of either." i shrug and he nods, understanding what i mean.

"i'll see you later." he says and walks out of the house, going to his car.

i sigh, walking upstairs and knocking on ants door. he answers, opening his door all the way. he just looks at me, not saying anything. i just go and hug him, wrapping my arms around how upper body. he hugs me back lightly, leaning his head on the top of mine.

that night, i was just in my room looking up at my ceiling when my phone goes off. i check it and see jayden texted me.

jayden❤️: meet me by my car tomorrow after school.

me: okay, i love you

i stare at my phone, watching as he types and then stops. i keep my eyes glued to my phone until maybe after 2 minutes, he doesn't respond.

i slam my phone on my bed and wipe my face. if only raegan was not apart of my life, this would all be okay. i hate to say that but jayden wouldn't have been mad and i wouldn't have conflict with anthony. i don't want these feelings for raegan but i have them.

jayden doesn't seem to love me anymore. he didn't just say it. he definitely didn't say it back on purpose. what if he breaks up with me tomorrow. shit.

short ik, summer has got me doing so much shit so far. sorry guys, i'll try to update more!
❤️(hopefully still) ur fave❤️

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