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s t e p s i s t e r s

first day of school.

knock knock

"lisayah? wake up! it is your first day of school, you better not be late!"

"lisa? lisa?"

her mom continued to knock until lisa shouted.

"i'm awake now eomma!"

"then act fast! i already made breakfast downstairs, fix yourself now." her mom said before she goes downstairs.

lisa picked her alarm clock, "aish, eomma is so loud. it's just 6:14am and the class starts at 7:20."

lisa went downstairs and she was wowed when she saw her breakfast. "you're really a good cook eomma."

"i know laughs i made these since it is your first day of school. it's special!"


"when am i gonna meet my stepdad?" lisa added.

"i still don't know.."

"and about your dad, he's the best teacher in the school you're transferring in, but he's not there anymore. he's out, travelling the world. did you know?" her mom added.

"really? of course i don't know about it. let's just eat."

"our stuff haven't arrived yet, it'll be here in the afternoon, don't worry." her mom said, reminding their stuffs from their old apartment.

"pranpriya." her mom called her sternly.


"you should wear your uniform correctly now, because your new school is.."


"just wear your uniform properly, okay?"

"uh, sure?"

"goodbye eomma!"

lisa just walks on her way to the school since her bike is broken. while she's walking, lisa puts on her headphones and turns music on.


"joeun achim." the students greeted each other in the morning. the students looked at lisa since she is still wearing headphones.

lisa is at the school gate, and there's an old man wearing a brown suit standing there with the guards.

he must be... the principal? lisa thought.

"you!" the principal's attention caught on lisa, he points at her.

"why are you still using that? (headphones) and that thing on your hand is prohibited. (cellphone)." he said sternly with a mad tone.

"you should be a proper student, obeying the rules. you're wearing our uniform but why do you act like that?!" he added.

"i didn't know the rules since it is my first time here." lisa said calmly.

"student council president!" he yelled as he did a facepalm.

a beautiful girl showed up and looked at the principal.

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