tell me.. what do you need?

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lisa pov

i still don't know why my stepsister kissed me because i just wondered if kisses are amazing!? this girl.. is straightforward!

i am now beside jennie, at the bed. and.. i can't really forget about our kiss, i can't get it out of my head!

surprisingly, she is so calm about it.

and she went to her usual self, she was cold.


at school.

"the president is not responding to my questions, i think she's not feeling well." "is she okay?" i heard students on our class murmuring about the president.

it is true that jennie isn't feeling well at all.


now i can't stop thinking about jennie just because she kissed me, and.. her lips was soft.

"lis? lis??"

"lis, are you alright? i called your name a lot of times, you're spacing out."

"huh? oh jeongyeon, haha nothing is worrying me, i'm just thinking about stuff.."

lies. i'm really worried about jennie.

"and why is your stepsis like that? did something happen between you two? or maybe at home?" jeongyeon asked again, curious.

"i don't know." i simply answered and looked outside from the window.

"do i even understand her.." i whispered.

i can't understand her, i don't know many things about her, but still. i think i am falling in love with her..

she was acting cold after the conversation i had with jeongyeon from the phone. yet i still don't know why..

"oh by the way, wanna go to the karoake later? oh, wait let's stop by a mall first because i will buy something. and yeah, let's go to the karoake after that. cuz.. it's been a while, i wanna sing!" jeongyeon suggested.



next day.

fp pov

"cries what am i gonna do chaeyoung, i can't enjoy my life without him.." a girl cries out infront of chaeyoung.

"there, there. everything's gonna be alright if you just let go and forget about him. if you stayed with him, it'll make it more worse." chaeyoung pats the girl's back as she answered.

they talked and chaeyoung gives love advice.

the girl holds chae's hand, "t-thanks chae, for always comforting me. i will be sure to accept this." she said and walks away.

chaeyoung sighs while she looks at her friend walks away, "boys are there for you from the start but will never be with you in the end, boys sucks."

chaeyoung taps a photo from her phone, the photo is the girl earlier and her ex-boyfriend hugging.


* are you sure you want to delete this photo? *

chaeyoung deleted it. she continued to scroll through her photos that was taken before.

she saw someone, a girl with bangs, which she has a crush on since she was a kid. these two were childhood friends.


"i still have feelings for you, and i wonder.."

when are we gonna meet..


jennie still hasn't spoke to lisa yet. she felt empty, sad, lonely on the inside. yet she pretends to be okay on the outside.

"president, are you alright?" jisoo asked, worried.

"yes. i just miss my dad. don't worry about me."


there was silence and jisoo broke it, "hey, let's talk about it. your face tells that you have something on your mind, i can tell it."

jennie hesitated and looks away. "no jisoo. we have to focus on this." jennie said sternly, referring to the work and scheduling.

jisoo bit her lip and sighs.

"all you could think about is this, that. why do you have to work so hard, jennie?" jisoo asked.


jennie thought of her father.

"to be successful, jisoo."

"dad isn't there to support me, but i still admired him. he put the academy before his own happiness, so i will do the same as him."

"jeez, jennie. do you really need to be like your father? the person you admired the most? it isn't necessary at all."

jennie ignored jisoo and continued working. jisoo looks at her, i hate your mood swings, jennie.

"jennie." jisoo sternly called. jennie looked at her because of jisoo's voice. she came closer and hugged jennie.

this is what you need, jennie. you want to be needed, you just want people to need you. you want people that cares for you as you feeel relieved. jisoo thought.

"if you ever have a problem, just talk to me, okay?"

jennie felt calm and she breaks out into tears. jisoo soon wipes her tears. "you're holding it in huh? your emotions."

"thank you jisoo.. for understanding me."

jennie wasn't sure if she can tell jisoo about her and lisa, jennie can't convey her feelings properly.

"alright, let's reschedule now since the midterms are coming." jisoo said.


"ms. wendy, sorry for calling you suddenly but i have something to tell you."

"oh it's fine, as long it is jennie. what are you gonna tell me?"

jennie stood up properly, "ms. wendy, let's stop the agreement. i don't want to continue this anymore." she said sternly.


"why's that? did you found someone else to use? instead of me?" ms. wendy said in a sad tone.

"the answer is no. i don't want to continue these things with you, that's all. goodbye."

after all, i was just using you. of course without the feelings. jennie thought to ms. wendy.

jennie isn't really polite if she wants to break something.

tell me.. what do you need?

stepsisters | jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now