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"are we complete? jennie?" ms. wendy asked.

jennie looked at the list. "yes. they got their seats." jennie answered.

today is the day to go to our camping place. it'll be a 3 hour ride. the teacher already picked our partners, and my partner is.. mina. we haven't talked.

partners should sit together in this bus. jennie's partner is a classmate she's not close to, her name is tzuyu. jennie said she's a quiet person. she felt sad after knowing we aren't partners. same to me too huhu.

jeongyeon is okay with her partner, her name is seulgi. jeongyeon told me that seulgi talks a lot
"hey." i heard someone beside me. lol of course it's mina.

"wanna listen to music with me?" mina said as she grabbed her earphones. phones are allowed for this activity.

i don't know if i like her music type. i like hip hop lofi.

"i listen to lofi." mina said as she scrolls through her phone.


"wasn't expecting that, i like lofi too. let's listen!"

we listened and chill until she stopped playing. "sorry i will call someone."

"chaeyoung! long time no see, i saw your message earllier and i forgot about it..--" she said, on the phone.



wait? rośe?

i waited for her to end the call. finally, their call ended i decided to ask who was she calling.

"do you know chaeyoung?!" i asked, with a shocked face. it'll be more shocking if they're close. i can't handle rośe anymore.

she looked at me, "yeah. she's my friend."

"do you know her too? son chaeyoung?" she said, excitedly.

oops.. i thought it's rośe. they have the same name tho.

"uhh no, i thought it was my friend because they have the same name." i said, shyly.

"ohh.. well i will talk about her.."

mina talked about chaeyoung, like ever single detail abt her. is she inlove with her or smthn? like she's whipped. she smiled a lot when she's showing me her pics.

she's small and cute. rośe is like the opposite of her lol. jk.


we arrived in our place.

the campsite were ready, but lack of light. i saw the huge table that has food, that might be our dinner. the view is really pretty! it's 5pm and later it'll have a sunset, i wish to see it with jennie.. i wish.

"i gave your tent number right? find your tent and put your bags there! we'll have dinner." one of the teachers said.

hmm, looks like we can't view the sunset today because of dinner and organizing stuff..

tomorrow, i'm sure.

we lined up for our food. i'm lining up together with mina, mina is still calling chaeyoung, they might be really close lol. i left my phone in the tent.. suddenly i felt someone grab my hand. it was jennie! "i'll go here." she said as she go infront of me of the line.

"that's.. bad, my god jennie." i said in disbelief.

jennie puts my arm around her, that made me hug her. "hey! someone might see us!" i said to her ear, i pulled back my arms.

"who cares?" she said as she pulled back my arm.

i sighed and hugged her.

it is our turn for the food, we picked a table and made jennie sit with us. "oh hi mina!"

later jisoo joined our table, "wassup chikins! this might be the best camp for now because, in this first night, the dinner is chickins!" she said and ate her drumstick. sigh.. jisoo will never change.

we laughed and she was so confused why were we laughing. lol.

jennie is looking at me as she was trying to feed me the sushi using the chopstick. "ahh?"

i ate it, it was delicious! surprisingly, the food today was really good unlike school days. i was happy looking at jennie, until i felt someone was staring at me. it was mina and jisoo.

jisoo's reaction was digust while mina was in shock.

"hey! that's so sweet!!" mina said as she took a picture of us.

"eh.. that's sisters for you.." jisoo said as she laughed.

"ohh yeah, they're stepsisters! i like sisters that are so close to each other, i think it's sweet." mina said smiling at us.

jisoo took a sip of her iced tea, "i'm relieved you guys are close now." she smiled.

jisoo cares about us, she's so sweet. but yeah, we're so close than what she thinks.

there's still a sunset and we can see it. me and them were looking at me. "i wish to see it tomorrow, but closer." jisoo said.

the orange lights were turned on, because its getting darker. "the orange lights hit way different now."


i'm going to the tent together with jennie to get my phone. we arrived and suddenly jennie pushed me to inside the tent, ugh jennie really be thirsty though.

"ugh jennie, what now?" i said in disbelief.

"what's with that 'ugh', don't you want to kiss?" jennie said as she looked at me intently.

"no it's just that, you're suddenly aggressive. you need to stop it because this is a camp not a hotel!"

before jennie could reply, she kissed me passionately. we stopped and stared at each other. "sorry lisa, it's just you're so cute and innocent."


"lol yeah i'm cute." i said smiling proudly. "okay, move now it's getting hotter inside this tent."

what will happen in day 2?

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