public bath.

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we're now inside the public bath and it is surprisingly huge. the students were showering, scrubbing and some are doing childish stuff.

it's my first time seeing a lot of naked girls. gosh.

"it was so embarrassing! still!" jennie covered her face, referring to what happened earlier.

"don't worry about it, it will pass.." i said as i laugh.

it was so seductive, the owner didn't mind at all.

"next time, i want it private." jennie whispered to my ear. does she mean..?


"are you talking about the hotel you mentioned last time? the hotel with a jacuzzi?!" this girl is wild dayum.

"yeah, i want to.. you know." she played with her hair. jennie always do that if she's asking for something and it's cute.

"god jennie. you're like.. you're using me for this." i rolled eyes. all i wanted is to cuddle in this cuddle weather but sex is good too. but lust isn't inportant in this time right now.


"hmm, how about we just cuddle in your tent?" jennie asked, smiling.

did jennie just read my mind, woah.


later, tzuyu approached us. she was standing there infront of our bath tub and saying nothing but starint at us. she gripped her and said "lisa, can i scrub your back?"

wait? what?! why me?

tzuyu is sometimes mysterious.

"what? why?" jennie said, getting confused.

"i saw lisa's back and thought it was so smooth that i want to scrub it." she said without hesitation. she is so straightforward omg.

"uh sure?" i said.

"haha this?!" jennie said as she showed my back to tzuyu.

"this back is only- umm..-"

"mine." jennie mumbled as she looked down.

jennie felt shy, tzuyu might find out about jennie's personality.

"woah what did you say ms. president?!" tzuyu smiled. this is the first time i saw her smile.

ohno i hope tzuyu didn't hear that.

"forget it. lisa, let's go i want to scrub your back." tzuyu said.

i stand up and go to her, i looked back at jennie and she was still looking down. she might've felt jealous. i can't do anything, i wish jennie spoke up but she doesn't want to ruin her image. ugh.

minutes later.

"i like your back, it's so smooth." tzuyu said, with excitement.

"i used to scrub my friend's back, because i like it and i don't know why. and did you know that i suggested the teacher to have public baths in our trip."

tzuyu.. talks a lot?

"oh is that so?"

she just want to scrub people's back, there's no problem..

"i like seeing smooth backs or skin. it made me happy."

good thing she doesn't want to talk about me and jennie, such a relief hihi.

"i'm gonna ask you something. is there something between you and ms. president? i never saw jennie like that." tzuyu asked.

shit. our closeness made people wonder ugh.

"not at all, we're just close." i answered.

"jennie is strict and scary at school, but after she met you i caught her being cheerful and different. it was scary." tzuyu giggled.

"is that so? ohh.." i just replied.

"when we were at the bus.i heard her say your name when she was sleeping. are you sure you guys don't have that relationship thingy?" she asked.

wait?! omg, jennie- mygod that is so jennie.

"wait really?! i don't know why.. maybe she was dreaming abt me." i said and smiled widely.

"yeah but i didn't mind it."


tzuyu finished scrubbing my back and it was more smooth and good feeling!

i came back to the bath tub but jennie is not there.

i found her with jisoo and mina. they were chilling on the hot tub. i sat next to jennie and hugged her.


"mhmh..! l-lis i can feel your boobs on my body!"

she looked at me and facepalmed, "ugh why did tzuyu suddenly took you away from me. i am so mad." she rolled her eyes.

"mianhae.. let's just relax, the water is relaxing."

minutes later she's not yet saying anything. "jennie we would cuddle later right.?" i whispered to her.

"oh yeah, cuddle! i'm in the mood for that. cuddle me tight later okay? ugh that tzuyu girl."


we are back at the campsite and i smell the food already.

"it smells like barbecue, it'll be a good night!" mina said, excited.

we ate, and laughed. jisoo gave us a lot of laughs.

"ms. vice pres, your english is so cute!" mina said and laughed.

"ugh you guys.. of course i know my english is cute hihi."

after having the meal, i cleaned myself and made my way to my tent. jennie was there already, she finished cleaning herself.

she raised her hands for a hug while she was laying. "cudd-dle!" she is shivering from the cold weather.

i hugged her tight.

"goodnight, i love you jendeuk."

"love you too, lis."

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