supermarket flowers.

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after a few days..

at home.

"everything's fine now, right? hehe by the way, i am excited for next week! we'll be having a camp and it's three days and two nights!" i squealed.

jennie took a sip of her coffee, "yeah, i could enjoy it better if they didn't give me a lot of tasks sigh well it's my job so.." she replied.

"that's hell for you, haha. i didn't expect that the school holds a camp, it's like a normal school activity. despite of how strict it is."

i don't know why they hold a camp despite of how strict it is. i don't remember what kind of camp it is, i slept through class lmao.

"didn't you listen, lis? ugh that's so you. the teacher said it's for relaxation. and yes, they hold this camp every year so we could relax and chill a bit from school. school is hell." jennie answered.

wow. i mean, at least this school has a three-day and two nights camp, this is the only activity i liked from school.

"during the camp, we will have tent and you're gonna be sharing it with someone. the teacher is the who will list and choose the partners." jennie facepalmed.

what the hell?! the teacher does it?!

"can't the students choose theirs, just why??" this frustrates me, my partner might not be jennie.

"that's how it is, lis. we might end up getting paired with somebody else. it frustrates me, bummer..i want to kiss you a lot at night. it will be our first camp together." she said as she hugged me around my neck.

her voice always get sexy when she's talking about dirty and sexy stuff, it's too much that i wanna pin her on the wall.

"stop it jennie, it tickles!"


preparation. after school.
at a supermarket.

"the school gave us money to buy our extra foods and necessities for camp, we should spend it wisely, okay?" jennie said as she hand me the money.

"hmp right, you might end up buying lots of milk ice cream." i teased as i walk away from her.

"damn you! i'm not like that!" i heard her.

i was wandering around the meat area and saw flowers. "these are fake right?"

yeah they're fake but still, they're pretty and pink! i shouldn't buy them cuz jennie told me to only buy what's important. i might buy jennie.

"why are you staring at those flowers?" i heard jennie behind me.

"oh jennie! oh this? i just thought they were pretty." i replied.

"hehe yes they're pretty. you will buy it for me?" she asked.

"uh i don't know.. but you told me to buy important things so i thought of buying you."

"that's.. cheesy and lame lisa."

"but if it's you, giggles i love you!" she added as she hugged me. 

"they look like a couple, so cute.." i hear murmurs from the middle aged lady.

"but it's so wrong, look at their uniforms. it's from that strict school, they might be friends." the other lady said.

"but they're cute! that's it. high school girls are so cute, it brings me back." she said as they walk away.

jennie and i looked at each other, "they thought that we're a cute couple." i said and smiled.

"i don't know what to say about that but it made my heart skip for knowing the opinions of others about us." jennie said as she hugged me tightly.

jennie seems nervous about what other people thinks about us, like they might think that we're gross. so that's why she never told it to jisoo? or her grandpa?


"we're home, eomma."

it was already 7:45pm, i should prepare my bags because the camp is in 2 days.

"eat first, you girls might be hungry."

we finished eating and now preparing. jennie's bag is black and even her clothes! she really loves black.

her underwear too, i noticed it back then.

while my clothes are just sweatpants, jerseys, oversized sweaters and shirts.

i found my specs, i never wear them because i'll look like a nerd.

"oh you have that? why do you never wear it? you should wear it." jennie said as she grabbed the specs.

"it makes me look like a nerd, i don't like it."

"then i'll wear it for you." jennie said as she wears it. looking at her, she is like what the other students said, 'hot tutor' exactly!

"shit that looks so good on you! hot" i said as i leaned my face to her.

she smiled and kissed me, hugging around my neck. i stopped and removed the specs from her and continued.

moans coming out from her as i started teasing her breasts.

then she pushed me, "what the hell lisa? laughs you just groped my breasts! do you really wanna do it?"

"for now, nope. i just realized what was i doing. but your moans are hot." i smirked.

"you were like a top there. aish we should be doing these. sorry i kissed you huhu."

ugh, jennie's kiss turned me on that's why. the problem is, jennie can't control herself from kissing me. what will happen in camp?

my phone vibrated, it is a message from jeongyeon.

jeongyeon: lisayah! do you have a lantern? mine was lost, i couldn't find it.

i have three lanterns at home, so i'll give her mine.

suddenly, mom opened the door and has flowers on a pot. "these are for you, i bought it from *** supermarket."

"aren't those the flowers from earlier?"

"what?" mom puts the flowers on the drawer.

supermarket flowers.

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