school. about jennie?

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"lisa, wake up, you have school." her mom said as she shake lisa.

lisa woke up and yawns, "good mornin- w-wait, where's jennie?"

lisa realized jennie wasn't beside her.

"why would she be, she woke up first. she is already on her way to the school, she have many things to do." her mom answered.

"oh.. right." lisa said as she stood up.

her mom sighs, "did something happen between you two? it's hard to get along with her, right? don't worry, she's usually like that."

"i know eomma. there's people like that.."

"good morning!"

"hi jeongyeon, good morning."

"i heard that you and that girl are sisters, omyghod is that true?!" jeongyeon points at jennie.

"yeah, how did you know?!"

"someone asked jennie, since you both are kim's, so possibly.." jeongyeon answered.

"well yeah, someone would have guessed." lisa said as she rest her arm on her head.

"this is surprising. well obviously, at your home, you two didn't talk, right?"

lisa shrugged, "we just talked a little, don't mind it."

lisa remembered what happened yesterday, jennie was cold. lisa was curious if something happened to jennie from the past.

"i wonder.." lisa murmurs.

"hey jeongyeon, do you mean in what you said? you said jennie must have a past, i'm sure."

"idk, what made you so sure about that?"

"her father." lisa answered.

"maybe..? let's not talk about it, we're not sure."


lisa and jeongyeon is hanging out, through the halls, making fun of each other.

suddenly a girl rans and blocked them with her hands, with a worried look. "have you two seen the student council president?!"

"n-no." we answered.

this must be kim jisoo, the vice president. i saw her with jennie last time. her smile was the brightest, it's cute.

"w-why? did something happen, vice-pres?" jeongyeon asked.

"lol nothing happened to her, i just made you two worried. i even teased her by intruding her work hihi."

"let's hangout for a while since i have nobody to hangout with. is that fine?" she added.

"sure." jeongyeon gave her a smile.

then the girl looked at lisa, and the girl realised that lisa is a new girl.

"oh you must be lisa? my name's kim jisoo! call me jisoo. i love getting along to people like you!" jisoo introduced with a smile.

"i heard that you and jennie are sisters? is that correct?" she added.

lisa nodded in response.

"can we talk for a few minutes, lisa kim?" jisoo asked sternly, with a serious face.

"and btw, have you seen the face of your stepfather? of course.. it's a no right?" she asked again.

"no, i didn't attend their wedding because i was at jeju island that time." lisa answered.

"yeah, jennie didn't attend either."

"hey jisoo.. why is jennie cold? all the time?"


"hey jeongyeon, here. play games in it while me and lisa talk." jisoo handed her phone.

"uh well, she's like that for some reasons. just try getting closer to her, you should do that, i think that'll work. don't mind her coldness." jisoo answered.

".. to be honest i don't know too, she just changed and didn't mind telling me the reason even though we're bestfriends. but we still get along." she added.

bell rings

"oh gotta go!" jisoo said as she rans and waved goodbye.

jisoo stopped and scans her clothes if she have the phone. "oh my phone."

jeongyeon laughs and rans to her to give the phone. "you easily forget things."

jisoo smiled and bowed to her, "thank you, sorry i'm really forgetting things easily hehe." jisoo rans away from them.

"jennie.. what exactly is she?" lisa murmurs.


"nothing. let's go back to class."

at home.

"i'm home."

"why did you came home late, lisa? eat now or your food will get cold." her mom said worriedly.

"uh.., just some stuff. "

jennie walks to them. "it's prohibited not going straight home."

"ehehehhe.. eh."

jennie walks back to the room.

"how am i able to get closer to that girl.. and btw, when will dad come home, eomma?"

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