why you gotta be like that?

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night of day 1

me and mina is now inside our tent, we already prepared and organized things. mina was listening to music. she really likes music, as far i described.

surprisingly, mina doesn't ask me about jennie.

i got out the tent, and heard mina "hey, where are you going?" she asked.

i want to go to jennie's tent. i wonder what's going on between them..

"to the restroom?" i answered.

"i'll go too!" she responded.

we made it to the restroom and mina used it while i washed hands.

"oh yeah lisa.. are you close with the student council president?" mina asked as i heard she flushed the toilet.

"yes actually.. why do you ask?"

she finally asked about jennie.

"we don't talk to each other much. she's scary. but many students find her attractive that they tried talk to her, but jennie just ignored them." she said as she walked out the stall.

mina faced me, "what is she like in your home?"

her question got me nervous, god. i shouldn't tell mina that jennie is soft, sometimes seductive, at home..

"she's cold sometimes.. and usually quiet?" i answered, proudly.

"pft. liar! why would you tell me that jennie's like that at your home after what happened earlier? jennie wanted you to hug her and jennie fed you! oh maybe she's in the mood to be like that because you guys are sisters..?"

"so.. is that jennie's soft side?!" mina added.

oh shit, i forgot mina was with us.

"uhh sorry i lied."

"but at home, jennie is usually quiet because she's doing her school works and those student council idontknow works." i answered.

"hmm yeah. i wonder what it feels like having a sister like jennie. you might have high grades right now because she taught you at home right?"

at home? taught me?

i remember her voice saying "i will teach you dirty things lisa.." she said that in a seductive voice. yeah, maybe she did teach me things.

"uhh i don't know. she didn't teach me." i shrugged.

we made our way back to our tent. i noticed that the lamp is turned on. i entered first, and i was so shocked that jennie was laying there, in my sleeping bag.

"jendeuk?!" i called her name, in a high voice.

"jendeuk?" mina questioned.

oops, mina might find out my nickname for jennie.

"uhh nevermind." i said as i pulled jennie out of my sleeping bag. she's so thin.

"hi." jennie said as she giggled and hugged me. that gave me chills and warmth.

later mina entered, "oh my gosh! that's so cute!" mina said as she brings out her phone.

"jennie why are you here?! how about tzuyu?"

"she didn't care about me at all, she just slept." jennie answered. as expected of a quiet kid.

sadly, we can't sleep together, the teacher will check our tents.

"but jennie?? you should go back!"

"mina is here, she might find out that we have this relationship." i whispered to her ear.

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