don't worry about me.

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"president!" shouted from a familiar voice.

is that jisoo's voice?

lisa came closer from what she heard, jisoo's voice. there was jisoo helping jennie to get up, while murmuring.

"i got this, jisoo. i can do stand by my own. we have a meeting, we shouldn't be late." jennie said to her, panting.

"jennie!" lisa called.

"lisa?" jennie whispered.

"you're pushing yourself too much, aish. ..hi vice pres!"

"i'll take you to the clinic." lisa added.

" don't hav-"

jennie collapsed.

"jisoo, go attend the meeting. now."

"but-.. okay fine, take care of her for me." she replied.

lisa calls for the other student to help her bring jennie to the clinic.

"..rgh, my head hurts."

"li.. lisa?"

lisa peeked, "oh you're awake. you collapsed earlier so i brought you here. just rest." lisa said as she crossed her arms.

jennie realised something, "but i have to attend the meet-"

lisa stood up and faced her, "no buts!"

"just rest, and stfu." lisa added.

"no swearings also." jennie said jokingly.

minutes later, "tbh, jennie. you're so unusual, like, in my life, i've never met such a cold person."

"here we go again." jennie murmurs.

"but i'm glad now, i've seen you smile." lisa said suddenly.

"cough w-when??"

"you? seen me smile??" jennie questioned.

"secret." lisa replied.

"you two are close now, huh? but did she ever smile comfortably with you?" jisoo asked, excitedly.

"nope, she's still shy, cold, and i don't know." lisa answered.

"sigh..she's just hard to get along with."

at home.

"jen, i made porridge for you."

"t-thank you lis." jennie said as she sat properly.

"tell mom to not worry about me, i'm feeling okay now." she added.

lisa goes out the room and told their mom. "don't worry mom, she's feeling okay now. please buy her some medicine, that's all she needed."

their mom nodded, "that's good to hear. it's just because her grandfather kept texting me, and was worried. she didn't attend the important meeting so.."

"pfft, her grandfather could only think about the school and not jennie's health. he might be so frustrated." lisa said, annoyed.

"but it's amazing to know that.. she inherits the school after all." she added.

"oh lis.." her mom came closer, "i'm glad, jennie met someone like you. you take care of her, worry about her, love her. just like real sisters."

"well.. i think there's someone that could do that for her, eomma. hmm. maybe jisoo."

"oh jisoo?? no no, jisoo is just her best friend. and you two might get closer than jisoo does. well obviously because you two are sisters."

how'd mom know jisoo? lol. lisa questioned.

later, their mom goes out to buy jennie's medicine. lisa goes to the room, quietly. she saw jennie with closed eyes, but had tears going down.


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