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"look at those faces, i just told you two i was going to your apartment in the second day of rest days." jisoo said as she laughs while taking pictures of us.

ugh. "unbelievable. i forgot about it." i facepalmed.

jisoo is infront of our hotel room, how did she know we were here..

"what are you gonna do in our home anyways?" i added.

"well.." she pulled our arms to going inside.

"it's about rosé." she said as she sighed.

rosé?! i thought she forgot about me already. eh..?

"it's a long story, lisa. i met her before our trip. when she found out i go to the same school as you, she kept on asking questions. like 'how are you at school', or sum like that. she was curious about you two."

she still cares about me.. omg.

"after school, she still kept on bothering. like she is waiting for me outside the school. it's unbelievable, right? because of that i used to hang out with her. to be honest, i found her cute." jisoo hid her face, she might be blushing though.

"what the hell, jisoo-yah?!" jennie laughed out loud.

"now we go to malls and more places. sorry guys, i didn't tell this to you much earlier. i didn't tell this to you because i thought she would make you uncomfortable, lisa. and yeah! rosé eats a lot but she doesn't even gain weight. it's cute!"


"pft, you called rosé cute again. jisoo.." jennie teased.

"yeah, good thing you only told me this today. i know rosé would bother me again. but wow i'm surprised, she still cares about me, huh?"

"well i'm glad you talked to her before me. rosé would have been falling for you now, jisoo." i smirked at jisoo.

jisoo blushed.

wait this is the first time i've seen her blushed.


"i don't know how to respond to that." jisoo turned her head.

"how can you be so sure about that, lisa?" jisoo looked at me with a questioned look. i think jisoo is trying to hide her excitement lmao.

"no i'm not sure to that.. but i think rosé might be the type of person to fall in love easily. when we were together, she would have like 10 crushes laughs after moving out from my old home, she would miss me and think about me. maybe our closeness made her fall in love with me. shrug."

"why are you explaining this infront of me lisa." jennie facepalmed.


"then go away from us so you won't hear our conversation." pftt.

jennie looked at me with those deadly eyes. s-scary.

"might be though." jisoo said and sighed.

why did jisoo sigh.. jisoo really fell in love with this stupid girl chipmunk o god.

"oh yeah, why are you guys in a hotel?" jisoo asked us with that innocent face. maybe she's pretending?

"like you guys could have stayed at home to rest, but you two chose to rest in an elegant or rich way." she rolled her eyes.

maybe she guessed that right 😳

still.. it's surprising. jisoo is falling in love with my childhood friend. maybe jisoo deserves rosé.

i can't even imagine jisoo falling in love, i don't know why..


at home.

"you two, where have you been?" mom sighed, worried.

"i told you eomma, we just visited my friend's place. there's no need to worry." i said to her.



"the view is really beautiful from up here, lisa." jennie said while looking at those city lights. jennie is still half-naked, we went here after doing it.

no jennie, you're way more beautiful than these lights.


i noticed her shivering, this idiot.

"you forgot to wear your robe, jennie. i'll get it."

"t-thank you." she stuttered cause of how cold it is.

i got back and immediately let jennie wear the robe. her wearing the robe just made her look sexy and elegant. "that's my baby."


"you're my baby." i said as i pinch her cheeks.

we giggled and stared at each other for a moment, then i made the first move to kiss her.

we stopped, i smiled like an idiot. "pft, why are you smiling so wide?"

you don't know how lucky i am to have you, jennie. it's such a relief.

i hope we'll stay like this. i don't want anything bad to happen us.

next is epilogue.

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