your warmth.

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inside the bus.

we're finally going home, it's sad.

"the trip was so fun, we made a bunch of memories." jennie giggled, clinging onto my arm.

we're the only girls in the bus, we're at the back seat. jennie was asked to go in the bus to check things, and she wanted to go here with me. of course i agreed, just why is ms. president so clingy today?

"yeah, we even made lewd memories, right?" i smirked.

we made lewd memories becaude of jennie, she can't control her hormones geez.

"haha yeah, i wanted to it once we're home." she whispered her last sentence.


when will she stop being horny?


"hm-? mmph!"

i started kissing her passionately, then pushing her onto the end seat.

slowly biting her lips, and started to tongue kiss. i can hear the lewd kiss noises, i love it.

i started to lick and kiss her neck. "lis.."

jennie is wearing thin clothes, luckily. i put my hand inside her cloth started fondling her right breast while i continue to lick her neck.

"lis.. why are we doing this here suddenly..mhmph!" i cutted her with a tongue kiss.

i stopped, she was breathing heavily. "this is what you wanted right?" i asked. i'm still confused why jennie is so perverted.

hearing her heavy breath, turns me on though.

"sigh i just love doing this stuff because it relieves my stress, lisa." jennie replied.

this is your satisfaction too, jennie.

"it made me want more because you became a top recently." she giggled.

oh, i think i improved too, i didn't notice i was being a top just now. damn she is so perverted.

"i'm gonna stop now because someone might see us." i looked at her and she was frowning.


going home. 12:30am.

my seat partner is jennie, since the teacher allowed us to sit with whoever we want.

she is sleeping, leaning on my shoulder. i looked at where mina's at, she's still awake and still talking to that chaeyoung girl, while tzuyu is sleeping with her eyes half closed.. creepy.

i looked at jennie, her eyelashes are long that i wanna touch it. feeling the breeze, i locked our hands, because of how cold it is in this bus. her hands are normal, not slender, just normal. it's so cute.

i want to feel your warmth everyday.

just how beautiful will her sleeping face be? "i love you jennie." i whispered.

she trusts me so much right now yet she can't express her feelings well. she often express it with lust and she's so bad to express it without lust.

when will she change?

i just want to hug her so tight right now, i wanted to cry of how happy i am.


school. 4am.

"i will miss you! fufu."

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