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"why is your heart beating so fast?"

i asked her, it was so direct. jennie still haven't replied yet. i was still hugging her and feeling her heart beats.

her heart is pounding, i thought.. she might be..

you know? she might be inlove with me, i don't know, she might be tired too.

jennie pulled the hug and looked intently into my eyes. shit, her eyes is fiercy and scary. later her look turned like a soft.. or maybe poker face.

i feel like my heart is beating fast too, you can't avoid the cuteness of this girl..

she moves her hands away from me, later..

she rests her head on my chest. omg.


she might hear it, my heartbeat.


jennie giggled, "so why is your heart beating so fast too?" she asked.

omyfuckinggod, this feels like a movie or maybe from like from a romance series, but i can't think anymore.

o my god, her skin.. her hair.. she smells good.

"not gonna answer me?"

wow you're unfair jennie. answer me first.!

"answer my question first." i said to her.


before she said some things, mom came closer to us, she's finally awake. mom looked at us, "what are you two doing?"

this is embarrassing.. what were we doing lol, its unusual for mom to see jennie resting on me.

"jennie just felt tired so i let her rest on my chest." i said to mom.

".. why though? how can jennie rest on your chest if you don't have the important soft pillow?"

what does she mea- omg fuck u mom.

"is it necessary to have pillow which is breasts?! don't tease me!"

mom just giggled and laughed, "haha sorry honey, and by the way. we're going to attend my relative's birthday. at a resort, so you can have fun there and swim."

swimming?? and with jennie?!


at the party.

"hello! how's it going?" mom greeted the birthday girl, she looks young. mom told me she's already 31 years old but.. she looks young like she's on her 20s. she's so pretty too.

"omg, it's lisa! it's been a long time since i've seen you! you were so small when i took care of you, you've grown up now."

omg do i know her.

"and.. she's jennie, right?"

now they talk about jennie, mom is telling her relative how good jennie is.. she's smart, pretty. she even told her that jennie is the student council president of our school.

i walked out away from them, and ate food, it was delicious!

i wanna swim rn, i still can't though because i just ate. i brought some nice swimsuit, but not like a bikini.

i changed to my casual clothes and wore the swimsuit underneath.

it was already 6pm, the lights are still not switched on though.

we'll be staying overnight here. i was about to dip to swim in the pool, but i saw jennie. i don't wanna disturb her.

she was sitting there on the edge of the pool, dipping her feet. she's reading a book. she really likes to read, this girl.. god, she's reading that book even though it is a little dark.

but eventually, i will join jennie.

i sat next to her, "hey."

"oh hey.."

"wanna continue our conversation from this morning?" i asked her. shit this is really direct.

then the pretty lights are starting to light up, which is like so scenery.. it is really pretty here. there's glowing lanterns too.

"i don't want to. let's just talk about how pretty those are." jennie said, referring to the lights and scenery.

wow, jennie became more unusual day by day.


we just sat there and admired the beautiful scenery. i feel like talking to her now so i started the conversation.

it is so .. like a dream because she liked my jokes, she laughed hard and i love her laugh. now we talked serious, like some serious situations from school.

later jennie yawned, it was so fucking cute.

"sleepy?" i asked her.

she looked at me and shakes her head, means no.

"oh oka--"

omayfucking god. jennie gets closer and rests her head on my shoulder. my heart was beating faster when she is moving closer to me.

i kept quiet and just let jennie sleep.

sweet dreams jennie, i wish you could have a dream about me.

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