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last night of their camp.

lisa pov

finally, i've been waiting for this moment!

i've always wanted to tell people stories, whether it's about love or such.. i wanted us to spend time talking and chatting at a campfire!

we sat together and made a circle as a group, i'm with my friends, some of my other classmates, and of course, jennie.

"hello students, having a good time?" one of the trachers said as she approached us.

"yes! so sad it's the last day, i'll keep this trip as a memory." my classmate replied.

"i really enjoyed it! despite of having a lot of works from school- uh.."

"haha, don't mention about school, you're here to have fun." teacher said as she smiled at us. it frozed us, it was surprising that the teacher wasn't strict.


but what she said was true. the teachers were enjoying too, because.. of course. we're here to have fun, right?

the other students were still talking to the teacher and jennie started to talk to her too while i was dazing at someone who had a guitar on her hands. it's a familiar person, i've seen her at school.

and she's coming to our way!

"hello, lalisa." she said as she goes closer and sat beside me.

wait, why did she even say hello to me? how does she know me? i've seen her face at school sometimes..

"uhm, who are you? uh why are you beside me?" i asked her. i might have sound rude.

she looked at me, "hm, oh! i caught you looking at my guitar so i decided to play guitar at this group.. you seem interested."

"that's not answering my question.. still.."

"it's rare to see someone to have an instrument on their hands, especially at school. it seems like no one is interested in playing music.. that's what i thought. so i was happy that someone from school plays music." i added, relieved. it's just rare.

"is that so? you must be interested in music then!" she said, smiling brightly, she must be interested in it.

"yeah i am interested but i just listen to it, not playing it. i love how emotions are shown when they're playing music." i explained. that sounds kinda.. idk.

"oh, there's people like that. btw my name's minju. just call me minju." she said as she smiled.

"uh my name's- oh wait, how did you know me though?" i was curious how do some people know my name? is it that famous or is it because of jennie?

"isn't it obvious, because after all you're the student council president's sister. people would know you after hearing those. do you not even hear other students talking about you?" she asked.

ugh i don't even care what those people think of me and jennie. so i ignored them and i got back to reality.

"i didn't know.. i don't care abt them anyways. now, please play a song!" i said to her, i wanna hear her play.

she just smiled at me.

and then.. she keeps on staring at me then to my lips.

why is she..

"uh, minju?" i whispered.

minju flinched, "omg, s-sorry i was spacing out." she said as she have nervousness in her voice.

"what song would you like me to play?"

what song..

"just play some songs.. the songs you know?"

"okay i'm learning this song right now and ot sounded good." minju said as she felt excited, she's really into playing music.

it's such a good time.

she inhales and exhales before playing.

she plays a song which really sounds so good.. it is comforting. i was having feels. then i look at the others, their attention was on minju now.

jennie looked at me, then looks at minju. she then got pissed. like "why are you guys together" look. she got jealous lmao.

"as expected of minju, you're so good at playing guitar." the teacher said.

"n-not at all hehe." she scratched her nape as if she got shy from a compliment haha.

"yes, you're so good! maybe make a duet with my friend! she's a good singer!" one of my classmates said to minju.

they were now talking and then my eyes went to jennie, she is going closer to me.

she sat beside me, and sighs. "hi jennie, what did you guys talk about?"

jennie peeked at me, "i should be the one asking you that." she said in a mad tone.

"uh.. well."

"ugh i'm so immature lisa. i hate being this possessive."

oh maybe jennie knows minju is just a friend, jennie is getting matured about our relationship.

"anyways about.."

"the trip.. i enjoyed it." jennie said as she lays her head on my lap.

"jennie, people will see us--"

she puts her pointer finger on my lips, "shh, don't mind those and just think of me, not the others."

yeah i was thinking then.. i did not care about what others think of us.

jennie closed her eyes, she must have been tired after this long day.

this trip was fun.

i heard the others, they were now talking about romance and such. they are having fun, such a relief.. i wish this moment lasts forever which is no worries at all.


"yes..?" she blinked her eyes, and looked at me in question.

i was just staring at her, then to her lips. i want her lips to feel mine.

she played with my long hair and then touched my face, "do you perhaps wanna?" she might be referring to a kiss. she shouldn't be thinking of sex in this moment though.

"i want to kiss you right now." i whispered so people won't hear.

"then let's go back there in a minute." she pointed about a private place.



sorry that i just updated today, i have school! and i hate it lmao. hope you guys enjoyed my story :))

if u saw some typos, dont mind it hehe

luv u readers!

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