stay with me.

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lisa pov

"i need you right now."

my heart went wild just from hearing this from jennie.

why does she need me need me right now anyways? she knows that i'm with my friend. 

"why? is it something important?"


"j-just.." jennie stuttered.

her voice was awkward.

"just come home right now, okay? see you."

and she ended the call. what the fuck jennie? you already know that i'm with my friend ugh. but i really can't forget that my heart went so loud when she said she needed me.

how am i gonna talk to my friend about this, it is embarrassing to walk out so suddenly.

"jeongyeon, sorry but i should go now. my stepsis needs me, and i don't know the reason."

"eh? she needs you?"

my heart beats loud becaude of the need word.

"okay, go home safely bitch. be with that strict sis of yours hahaha. be safe!"

strict sis of yours lol

i still don't know why jennie needs me anyways, maybe she'll let me do something about her work from school.

i bet jendeuk is so high right now, jk.

at home.

"i'm home."

i went to the living room, and saw her.

"oh lis." jennie stopped doing her work, and smiled at me.

shit that smile. i'm falling again.

"why did you call from eomma's pho- oh, you don't have a phone."

"anyways.. why did you call me, jendeuk?" i added.

jennie went silent for seconds, and has a poker face again. "no reason." she simply said.

my mind went blank, and got confused and mad.


i went beside her and i saw her gulp.

lol why did she gulp..? she's nervous?

i still don't understand this girl. she just smiled at me then has that poker face again and went nervous.

"i saw you gulped, are you nervous about me? god you're so confusing sometimes."

jennie peeked, "i-i.."

"you just stuttered, like earlier you stuttered too." i added.


"please tell me why you just needed me right now?"


"it's b-because.. i wanted you to stay with me." jennie said shyly as she rub her shoulder.

i am shocked. is this fucking jennie?! she wanted me to stay with her???! she???

i saw jennie, blushing. but she quickly covered her face.

"woah woah woah, you don't need to cover your face! o god jennie you're so unusual."

she's so cute oh god. i'm lucky that she's my stepsis so i could talk to her and see her face everyday.

"it's what sisters do right? they sometimes need each other."

i wonder what's happening on jennie's mind rn.

then jennie sighed and face-palmed, "to be honest, i changed a little bit because of you."

you changed a lot for me.

"ehh, is that supposed to be negative or positive?"

"not gonna answer." jennie said as she continues her paperworks.


jennie is unfair sometimes.

"i'm surprised that you said those words to me. you've changed."

"mhm.. i can't just keep my cold attitude, ..especially for you." jennie said.

phone rings

"oh wait a sec." i said to jennie.

"lisha!! i wanna tell you somethingzz!!" jeongyeon to her call.

"jeongyeon, you sound like you are drunk. jeez why did you drink today? and.. what are you gonna tell me?"

"hahah don't worry lisha, i'm sober. i just wanna sound drunk. but do you know what!! someone is gonna confess to you!! one of the football girls likes you!"



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