questions stucked in my mind.

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lisa pov

jennie and i have been talking through the night. talking about what we thought about each other when we first met.

she just told what she thought about me. she said that i look like a troublemaker that smokes, drinks and she gets tomboyish vibe about me. that's like how everyone i know thought about me so okay.. i don't smoke but i drink.

she said that when she get to know me more, i was nice and good to my family or known ones. she did expect that i'm a bad one lol.

i was shocked after i heard how jennie fell in love with me.

she fell in love with me because of how i treat her, our closeness made her heart beat too. i don't get it, a guy can make her heart beat too, so why?

then i remember, our school was surrounded with girls. shit.

"hmm, i don't get it.. but whatever." i said.

i can't ask more, i was feeling tired.

but i wish i can read people's mind, so i could read jennie's. she stopped telling me about how she fell in love with me, she felt shy.

she really is hiding herself.

one last question to her. "jennie, are you into girls? what are you into?"

i'm curious.

i don't know my sexuality too, i just fell in love with jennie not knowing i'm into girls since. i just fell in love with her because she's her.

"i don't know, i just got into you suddenly." jennie answered as she rests her head and looks at me.

goddamn those eyes.. looking into me.

but how she said " i just got into you suddenly" made my heart beat so fast especially when looking at me. i'm having goosebumps eek.

jennie's thought is the same as mine. that's.. i don't know what to say about it.

i can't even believe that we fell in love. even we're sisters.. girls. what will happen in the future?



"so what happened between you two during the occasion?" jeongyeon asked putting her arm to my shoulder.

oh right.. jeongyeon still don't know that me and jennie have mutual feelings. i don't wanna tell her about it, because i don't know. i'm not yet ready to see her reaction because she knows that we're sisters, it's unbelievable cuz we can't even control our love.

"uh nothing, nothing happened between us. we just talked like how sisters do." i answered.

we just talked like how sisters do, huh? then i remembered our conversation. that's not how sisters talk..

"hmm, seems like you two are getting close and that's great!"

"and to be honest, i wish jennie was my sister so she could teach me anything, she's really smart. you're lucky that you have a hot tutor." jeongyeon added.

hot tutor.. i imagined jennie wearing hot nerdy glasses and wow.

i didn't control and smiled widely.

jeongyeon looked at me with a curious look. "why the hell are you smiling widely?"

"w-what? a hot tutor? that will never happen because jennie is busy that she has no time to teach me and she's scary ok." i said to her, i didn't answer her question lol.

"hmm k."

we are going to class and making our way to the second floor. but then i stopped, we're still on the stairs. again, jeongyeon looked at me with a questioned look.

it's just that i saw jennie talking to the crackhead jisoo. jennie always have the serious face, while there is jisoo smiling. she told me to not to talk to her when we're at the campus.

and i told her that she should smile a lot more at school. but she refused.

about not talking to her, i need to control it. i continued walking and jeongyeon too. she looks so done.

jeongyeon puts her hand on my shoulder, "why are you spacing out, lisa? you're suddenly spacing out and i'm done with it."

she always puts her arm on my shoulder, it's her habit.

"i don't know too." i replied.

i just stop whenever jennie caught my eye, and i'm having fast hearbeat even when she far away. my heart beats faster ever since what happened that night.



i was alone, jeongyeon said that she'll not have lunch because she's doing something.

later some two girls blocked my way. "excuse me, but can you talk with us?"

wow these two are cute. what will we even talk about?

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