maybe, i'm only for you?

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"so how's our president?" asked jeongyeon.

"she stayed home, eomma will take good care of her. this wouldn't have happened if she takes care of herself." lisa answered.


lisa stayed quiet for a few minutes, jeongyeon noticed it and takes a look at her. "lisa, are you okay?"

"o-oh uh sorry for not speaking. i was just thinking about her."



"okay whatever, let's just go the the cafeteria." jeongyeon said.

"lis, why aren't you sharing something about love? or maybe having a crush on someone?"

"cuz duh, i'm still not into that."

or maybe..

i do.

"but remember the time you said i was not good at something, and now i found what i'm good at."

jeongyeon picked a pocky stick, "and what's that?" as she ate it.


after three days, the president has recovered. the students greets her as she came to the school.

"good morning president!"

the president went to her office and starts doing the papers, and the looking at her schedule.

someone slams the door open, "oh woah woah, look who's back!"

"don't ruin my morning for being loud!" jennie shouted.

"but you're the one who was loud, you even shouted."

jennie massaged her forehead, "ugh, kim jisoo. you can just enter the room without some noise."

"whatever we have no time for that since that isn't important, cuz you're the one who is important ihihi." jisoo teased.

jennie sighs at jisoo's silliness. "okay, stop the noise and be serious. we have a lot to do."

"the serious as always jennie is back sighs"

lisa is hanging out with jeongyeon at other school's field, watching the football girl's training.

since jeongyeon invited lisa to her old school, lisa agreed because she thought it will be fun.

when they got there, lisa ain't enjoying it since she's out of the world. but this lis, was overthinking. again. about fucking love.

how does love feel? the real love, i mean. why is this world so boring? people said the world is fun just because they had a crush on someone, it sucks.

cuz i'm not sure if i have a crush on someone.

i always thought of my step sis, jennie.

but i can't be with her.

lisa thought.


lisa looked around while jeongyeon is talking two of the football girls.

lisa watched them, but one moment, when she saw one of the football girls struggling at getting the soccer ball, she's the goalkeeper.

"what is wrong with you today?!" shouted from their coach.

lisa thought their coach was scary. she looked at the goalkeeper, she has her hair tied, sweating a lot, and she is pretty.


the goalkeeper made her way to get her drink. after she drank, she saw lisa. she caught lisa staring at her, and she didn't mind.

"she is pretty but her look didn't make my heart beat."

"cuz love at first sight isn't true for me." lisa added.

phone rings

it's eomma.


"lisa." jennie spoke.

fuck this is jennie? why..

just from her voice, just calling my name..

it made my heart beat.

"oh jendeuk, i thought you're eomma haha, why did you call? "

"i need you right now."

my heArT

sorry short update.

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