stupidly in love.

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"excuse me, but can you talk with us?"

this is so sudden, and wow, i find these two cute. i don't even know them so why? i finished lunch so alright. "sure."

we sat on a table that was near the court. i just noticed that the other girl was about to cry. i wonder why? is that we are going to talk about?

"uh well. sorry that it is sudden but we're going to talk about.."

"love life." she said as she did air quotes gesture. the girl 1.

why me? why tf me, i'm not even good abt love fucking life.

"and to answer your questioned face, we just wanted to be friends with you." the girl 1 said. yeah i was so confused but they just wanted to be friends with me.

"wait so you guys are being friends with me just talking about love life?! yo, i'm not even girly and not into love life." i replied to them.

i felt guilty, i was into jennie.

"oh, i-it's okay. just advice her please!" the girl 1 said looking worried, as she points her friend.

"o-oh what can i help? is there a problem?" i asked the other girl. after she heard me, she sobbed.

god.. these drama. i can't handle these things, but if jennie had drama i usually try my best to handle it.

"well.. she is sad because she fell in love with her relative. which is a girl. and she just got rejected." the girl 1 said.

"and i said that she deserves to cry because it is a relative!" she added.

she's correct.

tsk i finally got it.

of course she will cry, because she is not able to stop or control her feelings. this girl is crying over a useless girl cuz it's her relative and is not supposed to fall in love with. so what's the point of advice if she will realize it soon.

but you know, you can't control feelings.

"yes i agree." i said to her.

"then i told her that there's many more girls to fall in live with, other than your relative! that is stupid!"

"y-you don't understand, sana." the girl 2 spoke. oh so the other girl's name is sana?

w-wait what did sana said again? there's many more girls to fall in love with.. other than your relative and is stupid.

yeah it is stupid, yet i experienced it. i fell in love with my stepsister. i'm sorry. that just hurt.

yeah you won't understand sana, but i don't know who i am gonna agree on because i understand them both.

gosh i have no time for some fight fight fight.

"okay okay. i'm outta here, jennie just called me." i said to them as i stood up. i just made a lie.

"jennie? your sister?" the girl 2 asked.

yes my loving cutiepie sister. hihi. i wish i could response her that but nah. it will ruin my tomboy image.

"yes." i responded.

"jennie is such a smartass and hot but she's so strict. but i find mysef jealous that you're her sister, because she could teach you anytime." sana said.

"yeah yeah, what do guys do at home?" the girl 2 asked.

at home.. huh? i only remember her teaching me something. but she ends up not getting to teach me directly because she was shy. damn she's cute but how am i gonna tell them that?

"uh nothing. she ignores me a lot." i answered. another lie.

"eh.. i thought she could be your hot tutor." sana said as she smirks. what a tease.

i walked closer to sana, as i did a badass look. "i guess your ideal type is a teacher, a hot teacher." i said to sana as i close face to face her.

that made her gulp, which means it's correct that she wanted a hot teacher? she might have a crush on a teacher rn.

"pft, i now know who your ideal type is."

"do you want one? who is your teacher crush?" i asked, as i smirked. she is nervous that her secret was revealed. i love to fool with cuties.

but i am getting bored so, "whatever i don't care who you guys are in love with, not my business anyways." i said to them as i walked away.
i don't even want to be friends with them.


at home.

i came home early, this is such a relief cus i have more time to rest. i'm still on the front door. i still don't know if jennie's home.

i still can't forget what the girl said earlier.

there's still many more girls to fall in love with. i can't forget it because it is what happening rn. i fell in love with jennie.

you won't be able to control your feelings.

"ugh fuck."

i heard a glass cup that was placed on the table, maybe it was mom? someone just heard me swear.

"welcome back." jennie said as she walks towards me holding a glass cup of water. "here, you might be thirsty, you're sweating a lot."


"you should change your clothes now, you might catch a cold." she added as she gave me the glass cup.

this is the first thing that happened after i came home, she's like a wife! omg omg. i am speechless. "thank you."

"i have free time today, i was so busy in school and they gave me free time." jennie said as she came closer, and to my face. "what do you wanna do?"

the first thing that came to my mind was..

eat. i'm so hungry. does jennie know how to cook?

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