rule breaker.

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as mom goes outside, i sat properly and just looked at jennie. i am happy that we can snuggle freely! because we're both girls and people will never know that we have this kind of relationship. it's not a relationship though.. idk?

i am so happy that it is the weekend! i have many things to do, and those 'things' i will do is just sleep.


mom took pictures of us, i felt really happy that moment since it made us look like a real couple.

jennie moved and stretches. is she awake now? the stretch she did was like a cat's. so cute. i love cats.

jennie sat up properly and rubbed her eyes. "good morning lisayah." she said as she yawned.

"good morni-" i was cutted by her kiss.

omygod, did she really wake up for a morning kiss?

"this is a morning kiss, hehe." she said as she pecked on my cheek. this feeling is so good, i feel loved. fuck. she smells good ugh i am gonna die.

"ugh i have many schoolworks to do tomorrow, i just remembered." she said as she looked at me.

she slowly puts her hand on my hand. she holds my hand tightly. "i'll miss you." she said as she was holding her laugh.

"what the hell?" i said as i laughed and she joined.

"haha by the way, i dreamt about us. we were at school, and breaking the rules. you even cursed at my grandpa. it was hilarious."

"maybe that would happen if i was a rule breaker. really don't know why i dreamt about it." she added.

"and there's this part that was embarrassing. we broke rules at school, right? we kissed in front of the teacher." jennie added as she scratched her neck. well.. it's just a dream yet so embarrassing. we would never do that in front of our teacher.

"yeah, a rule breaker indeed. our teachers are homophobic and strict." i replied to her. she giggled and goes to the door, "i will use the umm.."


"yes hehe be right back." she said as she did a peace sign.

she's so shy over using the toilet. if i'm her, i will directly tell everyone around me "imma take shit!" but i will just ruin her image lmao.

i just realized that jennie talked a lot and told me her dream last night. it gave me chills but i felt relieved.

does she talk like this to jisoo? maybe?



jennie is doing the schoolworks, she is really quiet when it comes to those. when she is stressed, she comes to me and hugs me. she's really cute!

when will i do a first move.. she is always the one to initiate. it makes me look like a bottom. despite her height, she looks like a top now.

i am laying on the bed, playing games on my phone. then thought, should i do a first move now?

"jennie." i called her.


"come here."

she looked at me as if i need anything from her, but yeah i need her now. she stood up and came closer to me. "yes?"

"is the door locked?" i asked her.

she blushed as she heard that, but later she giggled. "pft, when are you this dirty lisayah?" she punched lightly as she laughs.

whatever, i checked the door if it's locked, but it's not. i stood up and locked it. i go back and looked at jennie, closer and closer.

i held her hand and kissed her.

we stopped kissing, and made eye contact. she was tearing up. "why are you tearing up??" i asked, worried.

"i'm just relieved, after going through a lot. you were here. you were here to relieve my stress. you are the first person that satisfies me. i just felt really happy." she answered as she hugged me.

"you finally did a first move." she giggled. "the sounds of kissing turns me on to be honest."

"haha yeah.." damn jennie is talking a lot.

i was about to stand up but jennie held my hand. "can you get the milk ice cream from the freezer, lisayah?"

and she's unusually needy today.

"sure, but what will i get?"

"you'll get my heart!" she answered with a soft voice.

"eh.. but i already have it."

why do we sound like those cringy, cheesy couples lmao jk.

"just get it! i'll kiss you!"

a k-kiss? a cold kiss?



"i don't know why i find this unusual but lisa jeez, you're shaking everyones hand around you. you're surprisingly happy and delighted." jeongyeon facepalmed.

well i was just so happy because of yesterday, we cuddled and kissed. i was cuddling her as a big spoon.

"i'm just greeting them!" i said as i shaked another student's hand.


"did something happened last night between you two?" she whispered to my ear.

"uh nothing happened. actually there is this show i was watching and-" i was cutted by this hand grabbing my shoulders. i looked behind and it is grandpa.


sorry that i just updated today readers 😗✌️

luv u all 😽

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