hunt hunt hunt.

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we changed our clothes, and prepared our things for the nature hunt. this is childish..

"you're thinking of what i'm thinking?" jennie said while looking at teachers preparing.

"yeah, this is childish. why should we do this?" i replied.

jennie just shrugged it off.

we're now going farther to our campsite, and i saw rare bugs. i don't know what it's called but i caught it. i didn't expect to see some rare bugs. i kinda think it's fun.

jennie is with tzuyu, teacher told us we should go in our pair, ugh.

"look what i've caught, mina."

"oh a beetle?"

ohh this is beetle? lol this is my first time i've seen them. i put it in my jar and searched more.

minutes later, we made it to a convenience store, it's our food break. i am hungry that i didn't find jennie first lol. i was looking for ice cream and then grabbed my arm, "lisa, everything was so terrifying! i was grabbing onto tzuyu's arm all the time, i was so scared of bugs!"

she was grabbing onto tzuyu? i looked at where tzuyu is and she was just staring at her arm and was in pain. o god jennie, i pity for that woman.

i didn't know jennie is like that.. now i can't believe of how much she have changed.

"let's eat ice cream to cool off."

we were eating and she ate it so fast. "don't your teeth hurt??" a talent!

"nah i'm used to it. oh, look at that, let's go there!" jennie pointed a big tree.

"why would we go there? just wait, i'm still eating." i replied as i continue to eat my banana ice cream.

i am eating while checking my phone, mom texted me.

from mom:

"hey sweetie! how is your camp? how's jennie? haha make sure you two are now closer! my lunch is gamjatang by the way. i'll cook for you soon. have fun you two! keep safe. ❤️"

make sure you two are now closer. yeah mon we're really close than you think.

i finished eating and jennie pulled me to go to the big tree. i don't know what she was thinking..

"this tree reminds of.. somethint about my father. i don't know why. it's familiar, maybe from what i saw from his picture album." jennie said.

so that's why..

"ohh so what are we gonna do here now?" i asked. lol after how jennie explained abt the tree.

"of course you know what i'm gonna do."

we peeked at the students and teachers if they're minding their own business. yeah they will not see us here.

"ugh if only you're my partner, we can share the tent. it's frustrating me."


we made it back to our campsite. i caught a lot of beetles cause i like them lol.

jennie approaches me and was gonna hug me, she stopped when i show her my jar. "lisayah! put that away!!"

jennie is really scared of bugs, i can't-

i gave them to tzuyu and she was just staring at it. she be chill and staring at it lmao.

jennie immediately hugged me, "ugh lisa, don't tease meee." as she made a cute face.


we go to my tent to get my towel, and clothes for the public bath, it is near the campsite.

"i remember how i used to bath with my mom when i was young.. we usually bath in public baths." jennie said and sighed.

i wonder what her mother looked like..


"i wonder what she looked like." i added as i looked at jennie. but she just shook her head, she prefer to not show me.

jennie pulled me to inside the tent. i gave her a questioned look.

"it's yuna from our class, she kept on staring at me." she answered.

what?! i imagine a girl was staring at jennie, giving her seductive looks, i would be so mad.

"eh?? we should ignore her, we need to go the the public bath now." i replied.

we got our stuff and goes to the public bath.

it is getting colder outside and jennie shivered, "i'll have a good sleep later because of the cold weather, but it will be a better sleep when i can cuddle with you." i said out of the blue.

jennie smiled at me in awe while shivering, so cuteeee!

we made it to public bath. i felt uncomfortable after seeing some girls naked. why am i like this?

"lisayah.." jennie called me, i was talking to the owner until..

i saw jennie in underwear, "please remove these for me ❤️." she said as she blushed.

jennie ran away as she saw the owner.

thank god, no one saw that except us.

but.. damn. her underwears are hot. i always see them whenever she is changing clothes. i'm so lucky. many things really happened today.

"who is that? is she your girlfriend?" the owner asked, as she smirks.

"uhh why you ask?" i grabbed the shampoo from the desk.

she laughed, "if she is your girlfriend, you are lucky." she winked.

well yeah.

i'm lucky after all.

i go where jennie is, and she was shivering. i tapped on jennie, "is it really that cold?" i joked.

"it was so embarrassing lisa.. i would only show my underwear to you.." she whispered.

i just smirked and slowly.. unhook her bra.


i smirked but stopped, might as well ruin the mood. i am embarassed to pull down her panties. jennie giggled, "okay i'll do it."

she pulled down her panties, now i see it.

seeing it, i covered my eyes. "i'm shy to look at it, i don't know why!"

"sigh i don't even know if you're still a girl lisa." jennie replied.

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