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jennie turned her head to mom. she's so shy, and it is so cute. why is jennie so shy in this situation.?

"yeah, let's watch it."

jennie just continued to eat her food. i joined her. as i start eating, i saw her peeked at me then i quickly looked away.

what are these feelings.. i don't understand them now.

she kissed me, she agreed on dates, is it because..

she was moving forward?

to be a sister? she was doing these because it is what i wanted. she is really a good sister..


at our bedroom.

"jennie, please wake me up tomorrow! you already know that i'm a heavy sleeper!"

i just asked her that.. like i was comfortable now.

"then tell mom to wake you up." she said while she was reading that psychopath book.

"..that's cold." i whispered.

"i heard that." jennie said.

whatever, i'll just tell mom to wake me up.


i heard some yawning noise, jennie must have already been up.

i got up and saw jennie with a towel wrapped around her hair, she's fast.

"are you that excited to watch the movie?" i asked without thinking.

jennie looked at me for a second, "what are you talking about? the movie will start in 10am, it is 9:16am already."

"sleepyhead." jennie added.

... i am speechless, why did she not wake me up.

"oh shit, it's that time already?"


at the mall.

i'm glad that we arrived at the cinemas on time, just why am i a sleepyhead.

jennie said that i am a sleepyhead.. she really just said that.. she's so cute.

we bought popcorn and drinks. we're ready to watch the movie.

so the movie is for.. it's r16.

before i gave the tickets, there was a girl that gave the tickets first before me. she has a long silky blonde hair. i can't see her face until she turned her head to me.

omy fucking god, rosé?!

"oh my.. is that you lis?!"

"chaeyoung, you.. have grown so much! you look matured haha."

chaeyoung didn't say anything but she just stared at me, intently.

"is there.. something on my face?" i questioned.

chaeyoung flinched, "u-uh, no. i was just so happy that i got to meet you again! what a coincidence smiling brightly."

chaeyoung have looked more matured and beautiful, she is my childhood friend and i didn't expect that i will meet her again when we moved.

as we entered the cinemas, chaeyoung sat next to me. i was between jennie and her.

"the movie will start in a few minutes, so let's just talk and talk."

"and yeah lisa, can you introduce that girl to me?" chaeyoung asked as she pointed at jennie, she's sitting quietly.

"she's so quiet.." she added.

"oh yeah, chaeyoung. i know you won't believe me but she is my new sister, my stepsister."

"really?? h-her? your sister?!"

"you didn't tell me that you will have a sister after your mom's remarriage!"

wtf, how would i know chaeyoung.

"wow, she's beautiful.. yet you're the shit. you're ruining her aura because you look ugly." chaeyoung teased.

i just glared at her, i don't mind on what she just said lol. cuz it's tru..

"yeah whatever. jennie, meet chaeyoung, you can just call her rosé. and rosé, this is jennie, jennie kim." i introduced jennie to her.

jennie didn't say anything to rosé, and rosé just smiled at her.

"she's surprisingly quiet.." rosé whispered to my ear.

yeah, she really is.

"oh look, the movie's gonna start."


this movie's good though, it has comedy.. romance and whatever.

i peeked on jennie, she looks like she's focused, she's watching it seriously.

tbh i can't even focus now, i was just peeking on jennie. i can see her face even tho it's a little dark now..

until, i heard some fucking shitty kissing sounds and it's from the movie, of course. "what the heck?"

"i know right, but i was expecting this." rosé said.

"you're not into romance, until now, lisa." she added.

i'm just a tomboy and dislikes this stuff.

i peeked on jennie, she was still watching the kissing scene. she looks like she is not bothered at all.

i focused but now.. there was some indecent scenes.

"what in the fucking fuck.."

this is making me fucking uncomfortable! and i felt embarrassed.. i don't know why.

"i can't take this." i added.

"then why did you watch this movie if you didn't want it?"

but before i could reply, i heard some kissing noises from behind our seat.

why the fuck is this happening in this time?!

now jennie felt uncomfortable. and i can't do anything about it!.. but now it's good, the scene ended. jennie is focused again when the scene changed.


we made it outside, and i was so done with it. i don't even know if jennie liked it or not. i wanna ask her..

"anyways, are you into those kinds of movie? you seem to like that one scene." i asked rosé. well it seems like it..

"w-well.. yeah." rosé said as she scratch her neck as if she was nervous.

tf rosé. you chipmunk.

whatever, i don't mind if i knew rosé had a fetish.

i looked at jennie, she looks unbothered as usual. i like it.

she caught me staring at her. i was still staring at her until i felt my heart skipped a beat.

your eyes.. your gazes.. i'm obsessed with it.

stepsisters | jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now