hide and seek.

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it's been minutes since jennie has rest her head on my shoulder. she has a fragrance smell, i love it. i was about to touch her cheek until i felt my heart beat faster. i feel really excited, i can even hear it.

it stopped me when i was about to touch jennie, it's like a love warning.

later.. my shoulder hurts and feels numb so i will wake up jennie. we should go to bed. i will just ignore my feelings..

i was about to wake jennie up but i feel like i can just carry her. lol what am i, a man? i don't want to wake her too.

i got up, puts my hands around her gently then slightly carries her. ..oh wow, she's lighter than i expected. i looked at her face, she's really pretty. am i just lucky?

there's still people around, some are drinking, and laughing. mom is drinking wtf.

i didn't mind them and goes inside our chosen room. i put jennie slowly to the bed, and wow my arms didn't hurt at all. i closed the other lights and left one light on, it's a little dark now. i realized that it was really cold inside so i covered her body with blanket.

she turned her face away to the other side, so now i'm facing her back.

i sat beside jennie, i chose to sit on the floor even though it's cold. i have nothing to do now..

so i thought.. of doing something to her.

i touched her skin, i can't control myself anymore, sorry jennie. then to her neck slowly..

wow her skin is so soft.

i keep on touching her skin, but not like a sexual way ok. i just wanna feel it.

surprisingly, she didn't move a bit after i touched her.

jennie turned her face to me but her eyes are still close though. "h-huh." i can't think straight rn because suddenly..

jennie moved, she puts her hand slowly behind my neck and pushed me to her. oh fuck our face is so close! she's fucking caressing my neck, it tickles.

she finally opened her eyes, oh fuck her piercing eyes, stop the gaze jennie, it's making me uncomfortable and nervous! i can hear my heart beating so fast rn.

"w-why did you touch me?" she stuttered.

omaygod did she just stutter? her question made me nervous..

sorry jennie.

"did you know that it made me.." she asked as she looked away, avoiding the eye contact.

it made you what? omg she is always cutting her questions, she's really fucking mysterious and making me curious. i'mma whip your ass jk.

"made you what?" i asked.

she looks at me again after she heard me. her hands are shivering too, she's nervous or cold?

it might the coldness. "it's so cold that your shivering, jennie. put your hand back to that blanket." i said as i put her hand back to the blanket.

"y-you don't understand." she stuttered again.

"just say it already." i said to her, like i was rude.

jennie used to not say things directly and kept her words inside of her head, she may be quiet but she have many things to say especially to his father.

jennie puts her hand behind my neck, "y-you made me turn on. i felt sexual." she said as she looked intently to my eyes. this is intense.

you made me turn on too, just from your aroused look right now, it is full of desires.

"just your little touch on my skin, my heart beats fast and i didn't expect it. you made me feel a lot of things."

"i didn't feel those to ms. wendy at all. those are lust. and i still don't know love." jennie added.

jennie stop.. hearing those words made me worry and happy.

at first i thought you just loved me as your sister.

but i still.. i love you too.

and why am i even worrying?

is it because we shouldn't be inlove? is it because we're both girls and sisters?

life is short, so i'll try jennie.

"you finally let your words out...

you haven't been in love, jennie?

..because i have...

i love you jennie. every part of you."

jennie sobs. she got up to sit properly and hugged me, "i love you too, i just don't understand, i wanted to kiss you."

"i wanna kiss you softly, be clingy to you, hug you  tightly." she said as she tightens her hug.

"and have sex.." she whispered as she burried her face to my shoulder.

"woah woah, s-sex? that's.. i don't know. i can't believe that you wanted to do it with me, jennie."

omaygod jennie, stop.

you're giving me goosebumps, my heart.. and she's so fucking cute when she's shy! but sex.. i can't do sex, i haven't experienced that so i might be the bottom jk.

in this moment, i think my heart is about to burst out.

so now what are we, girlfriends? nope.

we just have mutual feelings.

jennie touches my neck. she's now sniffing shirt to my neck, it is making me more conscious, i wish that i smell good right now.

"you smell good." jennie said in a hoarse voice.

damn, that's sexy.

"i wanna eat you right now." she added.

i wanna eat you too, jennie.

later she touched my neck, then she licks.

i was shocked that i moved away from her. "omaygod what happened to you?! are you a dog or something?"

"you surprisingly taste good." she said as she came closer.

oh my god, did jennie perhaps drink? or is she in the mood?

"jennie, is that really you?" i asked.

"giggles of course it's me. you're not used to me like this, right? sorry.. it's just.. you tasted good. maybe the liquor i drank moments ago affected me." she said as she scratch her nape.

"i can't think straight too, this is embarrassing.."

but her hoarse voice sure is sexy.

"your voice earlier, it was so sexy." i said to her.

jennie covers her mouth, "pft laughs you sound like an old man."

we talked and talked as the time pass, jennie looked at me.

"i love you." jennie whispered to my ear.

i giggled, "i love you too." i whispered to her ear.

this is the attitude that is hiding inside of jennie. or maybe i already found her attitude now? hide and seek?

this is the real her, jennie smiling, jennie being alive again.

i wish she could smile a lot at school.

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