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jennie haven't interacted with ms. wendy ever since she stopped the agreement. she did not regret it at all. she just got carried away easily.



"j-jennie..what are you doing all of a sudden.." lisa said in a soft voice as jennie came closer. jennie removed her top shirt and shown her big bra on lisa.


jennie looked into lisa's eyes as it went down to her lips. fuck.



"lisa?" jennie called repeatedly.

lisa wokes up, she was shocked and embarrassed at the same time. "didn't you?" she said as she point jennie with a confused look.

it was a dream.. and it was so bold!

"what do you mean? was it a dream?" jennie replied, in a sweet voice.

her voice..

wait, when did me and jennie became good again? no way.. this might be a dream again. and looking around, i saw unusual things. this is a dream.. lisa thought.

"n-no it isn't a dream.. haha. and by the way, jennie. can you like a person even though you are sisters?"

jennie looked at lisa, her poker face shown "..what's this .. do you like me lisa?"

"u-uh i didn't mean it that way.. it's jus-t"

jennie came closer to lisa like what happened to her dream, the other dream. jennie was so close to lisa, "does that means.. you like me don't you?"

lisa was so shocked and can't answer. jennie removed her top shirt again.



lisa pov

"finally! you're awake, you're gonna be late for school!"


oh fuck, it's good that i'm finally awake. my dreams were just so fucking weird.


"where's uhm.."

fuck i can't even mention her name now, it is so embarrassing because it reminds me from what happened in my dream.

"who?" her mom questioned her daughter with a confused look.

"oh, you mean jennie? you're still not used to her being early for school, huh? don't worry about her and eat breakfast." she answered.

why did i even have that kind if dream..

i went to the dining table and ate breakfast. later, mom approached me with two movie tickets.

"lisa, wanna watch a movie?"

is mom asking me to watch a movie..

"hmm, yeah. sure-"

eomma looked at the movie tickets, "but i don't think you'll like this movie, because it's romance."

oh.. i'm not into romance, but that isn't a problem.

"and i'm busy so i can't. well, you should spend time together with your sister this weeked despite you don't like romance movies, you should watch this with her." mom added.

aish.. it's just eomma deciding what i'll do..

why would i spend time together with my sister, we're been awkward lately.

but we shouldn't be like this always. i should talk to her.


"okay good. have fun this weekend." mom said as she gave me the tickets.

how can i face jennie after what happened that day. i'll just act like nothing happened.


at school.

jeongyeon saw me holding the movie tickets, and she looks at it. "oh, i heard much about that movie. it's a romance, but i think it has some indecent scenes."

oh shit, really??

"w-w-what?! really?"

watching the scenes with jennie, it'll be so awkward!

mom gave me these tickets without having to know anything about the movie. lol she's really busy.

jeongyeon gave me a confused look, "why are you shocked, you don't know? oh.. wait. i know you're not into romance, so why did you buy that?" she asked, damn that's a lot of questions.

"eomma gave these two tickets to me, she can't watch it with me since she's busy. eomma told me to watch the movie with j-jennie." i answered. i stuttered when i said my sister's name.

"oh wow, are you okay to watch it with the cold yet bold sister?"

wtf jeongyeon.

"i'm jealous.. i wanna watch a movie too!"

great! in this case, having jeongyeon to watch the movie will make it less awkward between me and jennie.


when i thought of that, i felt like i don't need jeongyeon to come with us.

because i think i just..



want to spend time with jennie, only her. just us.

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