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"anyways.. i think i can't join you two, because i'll be going somewhere with my mom."

yeah it's fine that jeongyeon will not be joining us anyway, i want to be alone with her, since we're sisters, we should spend time together.

and, i should not do anything weird! but i believe something like that won't happen.

"let's head to our class now, we'll be late."

when we got to our class, i saw jennie. she's usually on her seat, reading her book.

what kind of book does she read..

is jennie into romance?

i don't know.. sigh. this girl makes me curious always.

jennie and i still haven't talked ever since that happened. i can't even face her during dinner.

it's like our closeness goes down to 0.

we got to our seat, then jeongyeon faced me. "by the way, you haven't asked her to watch the movie, right? so how will ask her?" jeongyeon whispered, she's referring jennie.

"tbh i don't know how i'll ask her. i'll just talk to her when we got home. lol i'm so stupid that i brought the tickets here."

she might be busy today too.

"i'll just ask her at home while dinner." i added.

"pfft. when i saw you with those tickets, i thought you were gonna watch the movie with me! but you're gonna watch it with the cold yet bold sister." jeongyeon replied.

wtf cold yet bold sister..?

"okay quiet now, we're gonna start our class." ms. wendy spoke.

after first class.

ms. wendy.. she's a bit off. she got sad eyes, i can see it from afar. did something happen between them? her and jennie?

jennie is still the usual, yet ms. wendy isn't.


after school.

"today, i'll treat you!"

"eh, why are you treating me all of a sudden?"

i'm thirsty though.

"cuz why not, i just feel good now that i want to treat you!"

"i want a soda then, mountain dew."

minutes later, jeongyeon came back with a mountain dew. "you don't want a drink?"


"thank you, and jeongyeon, there's something i want to ask you."

it's about ms. wendy.

jeongyeon just hummed.

"do you think there's something wrong with ms. wendy?"

"hmm well, do you think so? i don't even care about teachers except.. you know.."

it's ms. nauen.

"lol that's so you. you're still standing there, yah! have a seat."

"eh.. i don't wanna. i can see her from here when i stood up."

"ms. nauen's there?"

she nodded.

phone rings

"who is it?" jeongyeon asked.

"it's just mom." i answered.

after the phone call, it was just mom saying that i should go home.

"it sounds like you should go home now."

jeongyeon walked with me all the way to the near street to my house. we bid goodbye. "have a fun weekend with your sister!"

yeah.. i should have fun with jennie. and i wonder.. did jennie go home already? time was so fast that it is already 5pm.

i got home safely then i saw mom cooking the idontknow dishes. (cuz i don't know anything about food yet i love food)

i looked around and jennie wasn't here yet. i want mom to invite jennie to watch the movies since i can't do it.

"mom.. can you ask jennie that we will watch the movie together?"

"oh, you haven't asked her yet? giggle I jeez lisa, you're so shy when it comes to her. okay, i'll be the one asking her. go now and change your clothes."

in the end, mom will be the one asking her. it's just so hard to approach her by now.

knock knock

opens door

i went to our room. and usually, jennie's there, reading her book on her study table. she's still reading the book, the one  she reads from school.

closes door

i am getting curious about the book, and it made me want to know about it, i want to know jennie's interests.

i still can't talk to her, so how can i know more about her..

so i peek behind jennie, so she cannot notice me. i still can't read the words from the book so i came closer.

i read some words and it said..

"it was a great love affair too! so honey..
my love will never betray you! i didn't do that! it was a misunderstanding! so.. come to me. forgive me please!"

that's all i can see because i am just so shocked! this is romance, right? it defines romance, right?!

is jennie perhaps into romance?!

these words i just read.. they seemed like they are from romance books, so this has to be it. i thought the book was all about killing, or can be psychological because jennie seems to be into those.

knock knock

mom?! oh no oh no i have to move.

"dinner's ready!" mom said from outside.

i hid behind jennie's chair but then she stood up, it made me nervous. seems like she is hungry.

i closed my eyes once she moved.

oh shit, oh shit.

"why are you behind my chair?" jennie said, with the usual stern voice.

"u-uh.." i stuttered.

i am so nervous and this is.. awkward.

"you saw it, didn't you? i know that you peeked. you thought it is a romance book, right?" jennie said, referring to her book.

what does she mean.. 'i thought?' i think it is a romance though.

"but it isn't a romance book at all."

and that's is all she said before she goes to the dining table. she left her book on her study table, and the title of the book is psychopath.


i have nothing to say, but whatever.

when i got to the dining table, jennie and mom looked at me.

"l-let's watch the movie." jennie said.


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