alone time.

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"what do you wanna do?"

i can't think of anything, my mind can't process since i'm very tired but only thought of food.

"eat. jennie, can you cook?" i asked her. she might be a good cook, it seems like it.

"u-uh." she stuttered as she looked away.


"i can only cook an omelette. sorry. i'll cook for us." she said as she scratched her neck, lol what a nervous cutie.

i don't know but the word 'us' made my heart skipped a beat.

at least she can make omelette. and that reminds me of my grandmom.

i can't even cook even though i have a lot of time to practice cooking lol. while jennie does not have that much time to practice cooking. so maybe i understand her.

"good." as i made ourselves more close.

"cook for me, cutie." i said as to her ear. i then go to my room feeling so good.

it's just because i can't think straight because of how cute she is, i can't believe i blurted 'cutie'! she was wearing a cute pastel shirt, i like the color but does not suit me. her hair is so beautiful god.

i changed my clothes to my sweatpants and a plain white shirt. good thing the school uniform that i just wore wasn't that stinky despite of how sweaty it is.

i should do something too, like doing the laundry. mom is not here so maybe i will do it.

and then i realized, it was just the two of us. me and jennie.

i wish it will not be that awkward.. for us.

her free time too, she should spend it wisely.

i go to where our washing machine is, but then i stopped when i saw jennie cooking.

wow, it's my first seeing her hair in a bun. her back is.. so sexy. she have good curves. i bit my lip as i stare more. that made me realize that i'm so lucky.

but unlucky we're sisters.

shit why was i biting my lip. i should stop drooling over her especially when we're alone.

i did the laundry, i'm so good at it cuz it's 'easy' now i felt important because i did a chore hihi.

"lisaaayaah. food's ready!"

god, the she called me is so fucking cute. 'lisayah'

i sat down the table and surprisingly, this omelette smells good! i was gazing at it since it'll be my first time tasting her omelette. i was gazing at it until jennie sat next to me, it got me staring at her. she untied her hair. "still not gonna eat?" she asked me.

still not gonna eat? well i think you are what i'm gonna eat.


"u-uh." i grabbed the chopsticks. i take a bite of the omelette.

"h-how is it?" jennie looked at me, nervous.

"w-wow! this tastes grandmom's omelette!" i said to her, as i smiled widely.

she flinched when i smiled at her and then she smiled too. jennie is so cute, i swear to god.

we finished eating. i insisted on washing the dishes but jennie wants do it and it's okay to me to just stay in our room. huhu she's so kind.

i stayed in our room, sat on bed. i waited for her to come in our room. i wanna hug her so bad. jennie smells so good as usual.

i was playing games on my phone until i hear the door slightly opens. "jennie! come here."

"w-why? i was gonna take a bath."

taking a bath? but she smells so good.

"eh just come here." i said as i raised my arms for a hug.

she came closer, she was so nervous. i stood up and hugged. "tell me, why are you nervous just now?"

she didn't reply but i can feel her fast heartbeat because of how thin she is. but this hug.. is so comforting even though i'm the one hugging.

"i-it is because of you." she said as she hugged back.

"you made me nervous. i was expecting too much like the omelette i made, i thought you're not gonna like it. and just now, i wasn't nervous. it's my fast heartbeat causing me to not think straight and to stutter. but it was a good feeling." she said as she hugged tightly.

she really did expect. maybe she's stressed for other people expectations of her.

"mhmm.. this is comforting." jennie said in a sleepy voice.

i want cuddling or snuggling in this kind of moment. it'll be more comforting, and giving affection.

"hey, wanna cuddle on bed first before you take a bath?" i asked her.


hello readersszz, sorry this was a short chapter.

huhu i hate quarantine, it sucks!

and btw, i am excited to publish my new story which is titled "lockdown". a jenlisa story! but first i will complete this story. luv u ppl -3-

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