1: One Rule

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Welcome to the Riders Of Silence book one! Edited April 2020.

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Sighing I picked up my coffee cup, bringing it to my lips only to look down to be disappointed. Empty. I got up from my kitchen stool walking over to where the coffee grinds are only to be disappointed again when seeing it empty. Right.... I was supposed to go grocery shopping yesterday which means no coffee and now only a few granola bars.

Well that's a great start to the day.

I had been writing transcripts all night into this morning from my interviews from sex workers in the city who I've found wanted to talk. Currently enrolled as a postgraduate student I have been looking into the connection with sex working, sex trafficking and policies implemented by the city. Which means any data gathering is all interviews and writing up the transcripts that takes multiple days to do. But if I could make a difference and help girls like Sar- no don't go there don't think about her just stop.

Sighing again, I head back over to my laptop to save my work then packed up my studies to head over to campus. I had a meeting with my dissertation supervisor to go over what I have been finding out with my study and what I need to do. I knew that it was going to go badly; he gave me one rule and I broke it last night... and he knows it. Grabbing my keys and bags I head out to lock the door, already ready for the day to end.


"One rule I gave you ONE rule that you said you were going to follow Serenity! ONE RULE! And I come into the office seeing the transcripts and notes you made to find out that you BROKE it. What the hell were you thinking!" Professor Wilde exclaimed to me.

Professor Wilde was the lead academic in the department of gender at the university and has specialized in sex work for over 20 years. He had just moved from Nevada to come to California to work with the city as they debated the legalization of sex work. If there was one word to describe him it would be conflicting; he has a brilliant mind travelling all across the world to look at the different sex working models and its effects on the countries. But there was something about him I couldn't place, but then again, we study a tough topic so it's not like we can be normal. "Well do you have anything to say as to why you made such a reckless decision that could have gotten you seriously hurt? Repeat back what that rule is." He demanded making me realize that I had once again lost myself in my own inner monologue.

Tying my hair up I wasn't sure where to begin. I had overstepped and got overly invested. I was with a top academic and policy helper and here I was barely keeping my mind on track. Instead I refusing to think and act with no care. I wanted to fight, I was done thinking and waiting for the next person to get hurt.

"I know, the only rule was to stay on the north side of the city where the working girls are mostly independent and where there are police cruising to watch out for dangerous Johns and Pimps. But when I was there last week the girls that talked to me said that towards the south side there are reports that a new system is coming in place. A new pimp is recruiting women in hopes that the proposed bill to legalize sex work in the city will be passed. Won't talking to those girls to see who really wanted to be there and identify those who have been trafficked important to gather? I know there is no simple answer but if finding out why the girls stay while they know a dangerous man is coming to possibly start ownership over them be important to understand, not to mention it should be important for the police and city to know if someone is going to start an ownership brothel."

I was breathless after rushing that answer out, I needed him to understand where I was coming from. But watching him shuffle in his chair, told me he didn't care for an excuse he only cared I followed his rules.

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