4: Cracking Sounds

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Right, left, fake to the left, and crack my fist slammed into the fucker's head dropping him fast.

 I smirked as he didn't get up and the people surrounding the cage hollered at the fight. The brothers and I have been here for a few hours; I've been in five fights if you can call them that. These fuckers have no skill and I drop them as fast as they come, honestly it was getting annoying I could really use a good fight as these were just training sessions.

I headed out of the cage feeling a clarity in my head, fighting made it all simple, you hit someone before they hit you, simple. No brothers, no drama, no past and no one putting their input in your life. Everything in those fights were under my control and I live for that control. 

"I see what you mean, my business investors will be very interested, how much are you expecting in tax breaks?" I glanced to over to where Hamlet was speaking to some men in suits. Hamlet was also wearing a button up to fit in with them men. The brother may be a huge adrenaline junkie who doesn't think but when he was out on the job he can get anyone to talk about anything.

"Fuck Brother, you are not holding back." I tore my gaze over to Briac who now stood in front of me. I looked him over, breathing calmly from the fight. He had come with me, pitching himself as my trainer so he dressed the same minus the club cut. 

Briac had changed when he came back from war, he held more responsibility that would follow over when he became Prez. He used to joke and fuck a lot of shit up for the hell of it and now? He thinks though every decision and over analyses everything for the sake of the clubs. 

Tonight, he looked relaxed, he enjoys being in the thick of it where he can get the true feeling of what is going on. His tall demeanor would be ready to spring into a fight and be clever enough to know every impact it will make. Plus, it helps knowing that the Princess is probably on every phone and video satellite ready in case shit goes down.

"Going alright, may not be able to work with my hand tomorrow though."I sat down on a stool as I unwrapped my knuckles getting ready for another fight in the cage if there are any more takers for me.

I love working in the garage but with my knuckles already starting to hurt, work will be almost impossible if I am working on bikes. 

"Eh don't worry about that, Copper can handle the garage by himself." He said pulling his whiskey to his lips and took a sip as he scanned the area, reading everyone who was in here along with trying to over hear any possible intel.

"Make sure you tell him in front of me, want to see his face react to that." I chuckled in response tossing one hand's wrap down. I looked up when I caught movement in my vision heading towards us, "heads up."

"Well that was quite some fighting." A tall man in a suit said coming up to me and Briac, he looked out of place. His suit looked way too expensive for a piece of clothing, and every part of his body looked like it was perfectly in place; defiantly someone of money and power. 

"He is worth every penny I've put on his training. Clyde." Briac said holding his hand out shaking the man's hand, a snake and dagger tattoo being shown on his arm; that's a new symbol in this area, "haven't seen you around these parts, you new to the pit?"

Briac took another sip of his whisky, looking the man over to try to ready who he is and how this new man could be involved with the city. If he is new then he could be someone involved in the rumours. 

"Mhm, I have been off and on here with business but there are new opportunities coming that have me looking to take permeant residency and nothing to stop it not even that MC I have heard about, say what you know of those biker scum?" He scratched his beard looking Briac and I over with a smirk. 

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