10: Pepper

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It's been a week since the attack and meeting the MC. I text Clary just about every day, for being in a biker gang she has that Tumblr personality where they are a cinnamon roll but can 100% kill you. I don't know if she has killed anyone but I'm assuming all she needed is snap her fingers and it will be done.

My professor found out about the attack and ripped me a new one but he didn't contact the police. I somehow didn't lose my study but agreed with not telling the cops; I didn't know if I trusted the cops. I tried the cops last year after Sarah's murder and they looked at me like I was dirt on their shoes for coming to them about a murdered stripper and possible sex worker.

I kept going analyzing data, doing some phone talks with leaders on the topic and reading up on this vote that may pass. The more I read about the vote and its implication the more it became obvious that it wasn't about the girls; it was about men who wanted more money in their pocket and they found the best way to get it without anyone caring who got hurt. I studied every sex working law in the world from New Zealand to Germany to see what the implication will be.

That's what Clary would text me about. I knew she had hacked into my notes but as long as she didn't delete it I was fine with it. Apparently, the club was going to find an alternative protection source for the girls... Escort business and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. Maybe they were actually doing it for the girls and would protect them or they would turn the tables extorting them.

I tried talking to my professor about the club and he seems to know them saying that if they were to get involved it would be for the good but there seemed a hesitancy as he talked to me. Almost like it was a forced talk. I would research myself but if I was honest I didn't know if Clary had fully hacked into my computer. I don't want to be suspicious if she checked my history and saw it to be all on her club. As I mentioned she is a cinnamon roll but she is also a biker cinnamon roll.

I walked out of the gym, I had started taking kickboxing and had been here every day this week just trying to work out what was going on in my head and learn self-defense. Thankfully the bruising was about gone so I may finally be able to wear tank tops starting next week.

As I started the walk back to my apartment my thoughts drifted back to Hunter, well 'Wolf' as I may call him if he keeps calling me Birdy. I never really cared about other people besides my sister; growing up where everyone wanted to use you for their own benefit left its mark but for some reason he felt sincere when he said he 'got me'. Maybe that was because I haven't had someone in a long time and he was someone I wanted in my bed. But at the moment I don't have the time or brain capacity to consider what being with a biker would entail. I just need to focus on my task at hand.

I felt the hairs on my back go up, I was being watched. I felt it earlier this week but I wasn't sure if it was me being paranoid after the attack since I haven't been able to sleep since it. At this moment I knew it wasn't my paranoia as I could hear the steps. My hand went to my pocket feeling the new pepper spray I bought and slipped the safety off. Taking a deep breath, I tried not to overthink. That's what I was doing now a days, not thinking but trying to act; the second I think I'll not be able to get off the floor.

I kept walking, seeing that I was coming up to my street but as I saw the Bakery that I live over come into view I found myself turning down an ally getting ready with the spray. I wasn't going to let them corner me in my little room; I need one safe place I could go to, to take control of what was about to take place. I heard the steps quicken and before I knew it someone came running around the corner. Lifting up the spray I held my breath and pushed the button spraying it right into his face.

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