25: Fighting Pits

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The party was full swing at the opening of the new escort; Princess and I had met with sixty women who had been interested in joining a couple days ago to discuss the proposition from the club. After going through the rules of the establishment, what it would mean being connected to the club and the different legal attributions all had signed up happily.

Looking over my shoulder I see Hunter, my legs automatically clenching together to stop the fire that ignited at my core. He was hot, there was no denying it. He had his hair up in a bun but it was the tight black shirt under his cut that had me going. It was tight enough where if I walked up to him, lightly touching his torso I would feel his abs.

I gripped my glass of wine hard when I saw a girl walk up where Hunter, Ryker and Tatt were standing. The woman began to seductively run her fingers down his arms. My jaw clenched as she moved closer to him, if I am supposedly his woman then he is my man.

Hunter shifted and moved away from her with an angry expression before saying something that had her spin around scurrying away. He looked up catching my eye cocking his head to the side and smirked, clearly amused with the raw possessiveness that was radiating off of me.

"I will say that I do apologize for the police officers who made a mistake to come after you for public disturbance." I looked back at the Police Deputy who Hamlet had invited.

"Well I do hope that the warrant they threatened to arrest me on has been withdrawn along with communicating to the university that it was under false pretense. I would very much like to have my study back." I kept my smile pleasant and have him focus on my looks rather than my demands. And of course, he was already on his phone sending out an email reversing his department's action.

As the man walked away taking a phone call Hamlet turned to me, "you know, if I ever need some help making these officials do what I want, I just may call you."

"It was what I have been trained to do since I was a child. If the club needs me to work my charm give me a ring, nothing better than playing a man like that." I winked at him as I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist pulling me into their chest.

"Who are you two plotting to be put under your control?" Hunter asked amused.

"No one, we would never plot against anyone." I reached up and pecked him on his lips not before he held my head to deepen the kiss invading my mouth with his tongue before letting me go.

"And that is my cue to leave, remember to let me know when Birdy." Hamlet winked making me roll my eyes at him as he walked away to where Doc was standing.

"No adrenaline shit without telling me!" I called after him.

Hamlet had brought up what a Luna to the club is, their old lady. Meaning that I wasn't just Hunter's woman but a member of the club who is given a specific wolf tattoo and cut to represent a Luna. Once a Luna I would be given a high amount of respect along with my views counting to the club. I basically spat out my coffee when Hamlet told me this because I still am curious at what Hunter and I am.

Hunter raised his brow and cocked his head, "not plotting?"

I turned facing him, "fine, I merely reminded the Police Deputy about the wrongful warrant and the police making the university take away my study which he is currently fixing at the moment. I didn't threaten him, I'm very pleasant." I gave an innocent smile making sure to dodge what Hamlet had really meant by that comment.

"I think that innocent smile you have right there is more dangerous than some of brothers in this club." He looked around and nodded around the room, "looks like tonight is a success. You have all the ladies happy with the brothers and employment here. Hamlet got almost all the city policy makers and government officials here today which seems like we will have power over them. Not to mention every official brought in was eating out of your hand when you talked business." He growled that last part making me laugh.

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