8: I got you

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I was sitting on my bed watching my sister pack up her bag, she was rushing, throwing clothes in as fast as she can.

"Are you sure about this-" I began.

"You know I can't stay. Come with me, you know you can't stay much longer before he turns on you." She sat down with me, concern etched on her face, but she knew my answer.

"Sarah, I can't. If I left, he would come after me since I am still underage." I looked over at the clock, quarter till seven. "You need to leave, call me when your safe and the second I'm free I'll find you."

She grabbed me hugging me tight. We have always been inseparable, with the parents and the life like ours it was hard to get affection and have it be real.

"I'll be out of college in three years then I'll join you." I said letting go of her. "Go."

A pierce of my heart broke at the fact I won't see her for three years. I'll be alone.

She placed her hand on my cheek. "I'll call you every week, if things get bad I'll come get you."


It's been three years since I have seen Sarah, we talked any chance we could but phone conversations are nothing compared to in-person. I was finishing up undergraduate, past the age requirement of 21. Ready to bolt to freedom.

I held up the contract, in my family that's what we were contracts, pieces of a chess game and the only reason I wasn't able to run when Sarah did. I was ready to do what she did, ruin my reputation so I could be taken off the board.

"Hey sis." I talked into the phone.

"Serin!! I'm in trouble. I didn't mean to get where I am but I have a plan and I think I know some bikers I can turn too but listen once you get out don't come to Cali until I tell you it's safe." Sarah was frantic even being on the other side of the country I can feel her fear.

"Sarah what's going?! Tell me what's going on I'll help! I'm out, I'll be out and I'll come to you!" I jumped from my bed grabbing my bag.

"NO!! Don't come, if you come they will get you -fuck no get off, SERINE!"


I saw myself flying through a door to gasp seeing her body tied up by her ankles, her throat slit and dead eyes staring at me.

"Your next love" I spun around to see the guy from this night, his face dripping blood from where I had slicing him with my knife. He grabbed the knife from his stomach and shoved it in me.


"SERENITY! Relax, wake up!" Someone was yelling, their hands holding my thrashing arms.

My eye shot open as I gasped for air but I couldn't see who was in front of me so I kept thrashing. Images from the man and Sarah were still filling my head making me fight harder.

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