30: Control

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My head was spinning only increasing the feeling of nausea that came over me once I tried to open my eyes, quickly shutting them when the light made me wince in pain. After a moment I opened them again, blinking rapidly to get used to the light as I tried to move around but felt myself bound to a something below me. When I looked down I saw that I had ties keeping me to a metal chair. 

"You're finally awake. Took you long enough." I looked up to see my father sitting in a chair across from me with a confident smirk still in his suit from before.

"Why? How? I -I don't understand." I said slowly still nauseous from whatever they drugged me with, my movements only making it worse.

Looking around I saw myself in an office of some sort, the chair I was tied to at a far wall, a window to my right but what caught my eye was what was behind me, a tub filled with water. My head whipped to my father terror filling my veins not ready to know why there was a tub behind me. It was then what I heard that I focused on rather than my surroundings. Screams of pain, for help and I knew that I wasn't going to get out of here alive; but I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of hearing me scream I'll find a way for them to kill me fast.

"Where to start, oh, right when Sarah destroyed the family name being a little whore, just like you are." Father said standing up so fast his chair fell down. I had never seen him like this, he always had a handle of himself but this side of him was something I didn't know, a side that I needed to get a read of and fast.

"You see when your sister left the family I got out of 50,000 dollar business deal not to mention the tens of thousands I would later get out of the deal in years to come. But she broke off fucking like some common whore destroying my plans! And then she went, came here and became a greater whore swinging around on a pole for money.

"When I went to confront her I met her boss." He laughed at that, "He told me he wouldn't let her go, saying she made him too much money and he had already planned to sell her that week. When he told me about all the money he made, the women he controlled. It sounded like the perfect way for me to get back the money I had lost from her. So, I bought her from him, and when I knew you were going to break your contract and go off to her, which to be honest was fine with me I am making more money then I would have with a marriage to a business partner, I slit her throat and waited for you to find her."

He laughed cruelly at that and I screamed at him calling him every swear I could think of, "SHE WAS YOUR DAUGHTER AND YOU KILLED HER?! Then turned into some fucking sex trafficker?! YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO HER." I spat at him trying to get my hands untied, wiggling my legs which were no use since they were tied directly to the chair.

"PAY? PAY? She was the one who paid like you will. Our family name used to hold respect, honor and it meant something to everyone. Then Sarah destroys it and then you go work at a stip club like she did to get out of the family. Our family is nothing NOW."

My breathing was hitched, I couldn't breathe, everything was spinning in the room. I needed to read him, I needed to think how he will react but I was still feeling the effects of the drug. I was useless in his game. 

"She was still your daughter, I am still your daughter..."

"She was a commodity, a use of getting more money that she fulfilled, like you will. Though you were too easy and we will have to thank you since you helped build this system." He smirked at me waving his hand dismissively but I was too shocked to say anything at first.

"How... How could I have helped you?" I gaped at him turning when I heard the door open to the room, the color draining from my face looking at the man who walked in.

"Because you have given us everything we needed to build it." Professor Wilde said with a smirk, "you gave me locations where the women were, who they were, what the weakness was for going into the field, what I needed to design in order to be in complete compliance with policies. So thank you, I'm sure the girls downstairs thank you for that."

He moved forward into the room as a guard holding Ruby in his grip who was thrashing around trying to get out of the hold followed him in. "We have a long night ahead of us but this is for your fucking boyfriend's club fucking with us." Wilde said slitting her throat making me scream her name. "Too bad we didn't get you here earlier, we killed her kids in front of her when we realized she sneaked off to talk to you."

I gaped at the men in front of me, my father and professor? 

Ruby was dead now too. Everyone was comes close to me dies and yes I was in a horrible situation but thankfully I wasn't near the club. If I had stayed it would be one of their bodies laying beside Ruby's. My body shuddered as my breathing hitched with the image of Hunter laying in a pool of his blood coming to mind. 

Turning back seeing their distain towards Ruby as they kicked her body aside I felt rage clear the drug away. "You are a fucking monster!!! How could you! You worked at the university!... You you are.." I began finally seeing everything set in place.

He walked up to me brushing his knuckles against my check making me move my head as fast as I could to get away, the feeling of nausea coming back. "I expected your daughter to be smarter then she is. Yes I am Remious, Remious Wilde. My position at the universities I have worked at allowed me to meet all the right people and get the right access to women. Has your father thank you for your help yet?"

I felt sick, sick to my stomach that I had somehow even unknowingly have taken a part in this. Plotting the city for locations and handing him all the data of the city where locations would be best for working girls to not be noticed and how an escort system would filter.

"Though you did betray us when you made the escort system for those fucking Bikers! That took a lot of money and potential future clients from us. Along with them killing our men and taking our women." My father growled at me. "So to make it up to me like a darling daughter, you will work for me and make back all the money you have lost me."

Work for him? He was going to sell me at his brothel and profit from men raping me. "You would sell your own daughter?"

"I have killed one daughter for profit, do you really doubt I'd sell you for profit? It is your duty as my daughter to do as I say." He just scoffed at me and I felt cold.

No ideas were running through my head at a way to get out either by running or having him kill me; not when money is on the line nor when there is another person who would stop him from it.

Profes- Remious, tried to touch my cheek again so I hallowed my cheek and spat him. If they were going to try to use me I will fight back, I wasn't going to go easily. I pulled at my wrist and wiggled around in the chair but it was no use, my wrist were bound too tight and moving my legs only caused the chair to rock back and forth.

Remious just smiled wiping the spit from his face. "You know Serenity, people pay higher amounts of money for the feisty ones and it may be fun to watch you break. Though you should go through some punishment for those bikers who have betrayed us for."

"Why do you think I have the tub behind her," My father smirked, "It won't leave any marks on her body keeping her fine for clients."

I silently pled to my father, but there was nothing to the man. He would do anything at the moment to make me pay for humiliation and the money I lost him. How could I have thought that I was free of him, thinking that once I got out then he would let me go without having me pay for my actions. I gave myself a false sense of confidence because of my desperation for my own life and now I was going to pay.

"Then it's time to have fun." Remious smirked moving towards me shoving my shoulder.

Then I was falling till suddenly I was engulf in something, unable to move, unable to breathe.

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