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Their story has come to an end but don't worry they will be making appearances in the other stories ;)


I leaned against the car hood as I watched Birdy from afar, giving her space as she talked her to her sister's grave. She thought it may help get rid of the guilt if she told her sister everything. It had been hard just sitting here as I watched her cry and talk to a stone... I didn't understand how talking to a stone will help but it's what she wanted so here I am sitting on my ass just... watching.

It's been a couple months since the whole ordeal and everything seems to be getting back to normal, well normal for us. Birdy is now a Luna scolding the boys like she has been with us her entire life. I am back to working at the garage without the threat of another war as she is back at the University finishing her studies; my girl is a smart one. Not to mention her obsession with training with me, constantly trying to get better at fighting and is now talking about going into a pit to try her abilities. Which isn't happening no matter how good she is. Those fighters are savages, I know beucase I was one... am? Fuck I don't know, either way she can fight me and brothers but not those psychos. Living in our house with her has been amazing besides the dog which is a huge mother fucking cock block, fuck the brothers for getting him. Though I can't hate the guy, god damn puppies make it impossible.

Something nudge my hand, looking down I saw it was Shadow's nose asking for attention. "You are lucky you are cute, otherwise I would have kicked you out from constant blue balls and making me sit in cars sometimes you little bud."

Bending down I ran my hands over his body, jostling the item in my pants that is burning a hole in my pockets. I finally found it but I haven't found the perfect time to give it to her. She wears the club cut, my patch, and the tatt yet I can't give her a stupid ring.

"Hey." Birdy said softly as she crouched down beside me wrapping her arms around me as she pet Shadow with silent tears coming down her cheeks.

"How do you feel?" I brushed my thumb across her check clearing any remaining tears as she took a deep breath.

"I know you think it was stupid to talk to a stone and don't deny it Hunt I know, but it helped just telling her everything and that she got justice in the end. I don't know I just feel lighter like everything was lifted and that the old me that wasn't in control is now in control. Even kicking my man's ass in the rings." she replied with a wink making me chuckle, as I said she is getting good.

Smiling I leaned into to her lightly kissing her, tasting the saltiness of her previous tears. "It will get easier Birdy, I am sure your sister would be proud of everything you have done."

A small smile came onto her face, "I hope so. Can we go train? I want to practice that scissor leg move."

"You mean do I want you to wrap your legs around my head? Oh I am down." I smirked kissing her as she laughed pulling away and picking up Shadow.

"Down boy, last time you couldn't keep it in your pants Tatt ended up walking in."

"Well he should have knocked and you told me not to stop." I winked opening the door to her car for her.

"It was the gym! Only fighting down there no matter how bad you want me or I want you." I chuckled shaking my head closing the door. She says that but she had no complaints last time when I took her on that mat so I wasn't putting too much thought in t.

Walking to the other side I got in looking to see the woman of my life sitting there with our dog, I wasn't sure how I got her but I will always have her. "I Got You Babe." She looked over smiling that smile bending over to kiss me before backing away before Shadow joined in allowing me to start the car.

"Alright back to the club to train, one of these days you are going to be better than the boys."

"Someone needs to kick their asses in line."

My head went back as I laughed at that, she wasn't wrong with that. Pulling away I drove off heading back to the clubhouse. This right here was something I never thought I would have in life and I will love it till the day I die. Birdy started singing along to a song making me laugh as I joined in hearing Shadow howling along. This is the new family, brothers, my luna and a dog.

Thank you so much for reading Fighting for control! Book two will be coming out next week if possible =)

Here is a sneak peak of Book Two: On Edge

"Choose. Her or the club." Briac demanded thrusting the gun into my hand as I slowly looked back at her. The Riders of Silence are my family but she is the love of my life. How can I kill the girl who owns my heart yet how can I betray my club?

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