34: Sweet Revenge

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Hey loves! Thank you for all the comments, I will be double posting today so be sure to watch out for the next chapter =) 

Pulling the covers over Birdy I watched as she snuggled into my bed in the clubhouse making me smile, my future luna. I would have liked to stay at our new house but I have something to do here and I was done having her out of my sight. She would be safe in my room resting while I take care of business.

That business being Remious.

Seeing her chest rise and fall at an even pace I knew she was asleep and dragged myself across the room opening the door to see Hamlet's hand mid air. "Well that was creepy... Was about to knock to get you, we got revenge to dish out."

With a final glance back at Birdy I nodded closing the door behind me to follow him down to the basement at the other side of the compound. Walking into the basement I saw many of the brothers already here along with some of the prospects who were nearing their end of trial. They didn't have to take part, no one would force them to do the shit we were about to do but they needed to see it and understand its importance. This is a man who came onto our territory, killed one of us and tortured another; they had to see how we treat those types of enemies.

Remious was in the middle of the room hanging from the ceiling by his hands with his knees scraping the floor, passed out from blood loss. I smirked thinking how completely unaware he is about what is going to happen to him. He hoped for a quick death and we will give him anything but.

"You allergic to dogs?" Spotter asked me as I leaned against a poll seeing him against the wall across from me looking bored.

"No. why?" He shrugged in response getting off the wall as Prez came into the room.

Prez walked up to Remious slapping his face waking the man up, "Rise and shine, don't want you to miss any of this."

Remious groaned and tried thrashing in the chains but he wasn't going anywhere. As he looked up his eyes widened seeing all the brothers, it was finally sinking into him that this is where he will meet his death.

"How should we do this boys? We have all the time in the world." Prez chuckled walking around Remious like a wolf and its prey.

"Water. That way we won't leave any marks." I growl thinking of what he put Birdy through.

"I like the idea. I don't want to bring a tub down here but Pepper why don't you bring that hose over here and give us your shirt."

The prospect Pepper silently nodded knowing that he had to show his guts in the situation and walked to the other side of the room grabbing the hose while taking off his shirt. He brought the items to Prez who took the shirt wrapping it around Remious's mouth and nose but letting his eyes be able to see what is about to happen. Prez looked up to me, raising a brow holding the hose to me silently asking if I wanted to do the honors.

I leaned off of the pole walking to them maintain eye contact with Remious, "You thought you could hurt my woman and get away with it? Kill one us and rise to riches." Taking the hose I nodded to another prospect to turn on the water. "Fuck you."

Ryker grabbed Remious holding him in place as I began to spray the water on his face simulating as if he was drowning. He thrashed under the spray and tried to get out of his chains and Ryker's hold but he couldn't escape the panic.

It went on for a while before the smell of piss filled the air and I took a step back making sure I wouldn't get anywhere near it. Ripping off the shirt on Remious's face I watched with satisfaction as he gasped for air before tossing the hose on the ground. I cracked my knuckles then threw a punch into his stomach hearing a satisfying crack of a rib. I did the routine two more times before I backed up knowing Prez would want to take back over.

"How are you feeling?" Prez asked walking over to a tool box and opening it.

"Please let me go! I'll leave and never come back and pay you anything you want! Just let me go!" His pleas made all of us chuckle, did he honestly think that that would work?

"Oh, I don't think you are going anywhere," Briac started as he grabbed Remious's face and twisted around, "What are you thinking dad, nails or teeth? You see my dad has some Mafia friends who have taught us a few things."

Prez chuckled walked back over with a set of pliers, "I don't think he needs his teeth anymore."

Spotter and Ryker went around Remious keeping him still as Prez pried open his mouth grabbing the nearest tooth and plied it out. Remious screamed with blood pouring out of his mouth as Prez continued a slow pulling off his teeth. He took his time, sometimes taking breaks asking random questions or seeing if a brother wants a pull. Fuck Briac really did mean it when he said he was friends with the Mafia.

After his entire top row and almost all his bottom my pocket buzzed drawing my attention away. Taking out my phone I saw it was a text from Birdy asking where I was and if I would be coming back soon. I shifted on my feet, I wanted to watch this man suffer and die but I didn't want Birdy to be alone after everything.

"Go to her." Glancing ahead of me I see Briac standing in front of me, "we probably won't go much further today there's always tomorrow. She needs you, go before her mind turns against her."

Nodding I watched as Prez finished taking out the last tooth and Remious passing out. I got my revenge in and I will be there when he takes his final breath that's all I need...for now.

Placing my phone in my pocket I turned patting Briac shoulders as I started to walk away only to be pulled back, "Take a shower in someone's room and borrow clothes. No need to scare the poor girl more."

Looking down I noticed I was covered in water and blood. Nodding to him again I headed out to the basement to shower in the closest room and changed into spare clothes. I sent Birdy a quick text telling her I'll be there in five minutes and made sure to get any smell of blood off of me.

Walking back into my room I saw Birdy wrapped in all of the sheets and bed covers, staring at her phone that was ringing. Closing the door behind me I took off my shirt tossing it in the room and headed over to her phone putting it on silent.

"It's my mom. Police found my father's body and she wants to discuss the will. I killed him and she wants to talk about the family money. I feel like my mind is screaming at me."

I tossed the phone in a drawer and crawled into bed with her, smiling softly as Birdy didn't waste a second to wrap her body around me like a koala.

"Let's just take it one day at a time babe."

She slowly nodded her head against my chest as she took a shaky breath. "Is he suffering." I didn't have to ask her what she meant by 'he' knowing that she was referring to Remious.


Sounds her sobs came to me making me wrap my hands around her body bringing her impossibly closer as she cried. Even though the man who was her father was a horrible person she still grieved for him, she had to grieve her sister again along with a part of herself that she could never get back. She was getting hit on all sides and I can hear her pain through her sobs. 

 I planted a kiss on her temple and just held her mumbling an "I got you" whenever her sobs got worse.  

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