32: Got You

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Hello Lovies! I am so sorry it took me so long to update. Finals came and just ripped my heart out but lets hope I passed... Sadly the story of Hunter and Serenity has a couple more chapter but that just means new rider will take their place ;)  


I laid in my bed staring at her as she slept, keeping her body pressed firmly against me. She had been out for a day and I was not going to let her out of my sight. Not now or ever.

I got you now and forever and this time I'm keeping that promise.

Hearing a knock I looked up to see Ryker walk into the room, "Hey it's all set, how is she?" He asked placing a set of keys on my desk looking back to Birdy with a frown.

"She's still out, Doc fixed her up and said she just needs to rest." I brushed the hair out of her face as I had washed all the blood of her before I put her in bed. She didn't need to wake up to that.

"You asking her?" I looked back at him, who was studying her then moved his gave to me.

"If she will forgive me."

"She will, for some reason she's in love you." He chucked fidgeting on his feet.

"You alright?" I asked him softly, he so rarely figured since he was always put together.

"He's still breathing, Prez wanted to wait for you though his patience is running out."

My grip around Birdy tightened at that. We had gotten Remious as he tried to flee the building and brought him back. The dam fool thought we would kill him quickly... Yeah that wasn't going to happen it will most likely take a week. Prez had friends in the Mafia so he know how to take his time if his patience allowed it. "I'm not missing it." I growled to him, he hurt my woman there was no way I wasn't getting in on the retribution.

"Don't worry we know, he's testing his pain tolerance so you have time to take care of her. I'll come get you when its time and we can go down."

"Go?" I jumped hearing the soft voice come from next to me as Birdy lifted her head looking between Ryker and myself. "Knew he was your mistress."

I just sat there too mesmerized looking in her eyes, unable to form a coherent thought as I got lost in them, barely hearing Ryker say something then the door closing. She raised an eyebrow at me and that's all it took before I grabbed the back of her head pushing her to me and  kissed her. A long deep soft kiss to make up for the time spent away and one that claimed her right here in my bed. When I stopped I slid her over my lap and sat up against the headboard to look at her.

"I am so sorry, I should never have said those things to you. I should never have lost myself like that. You weren't at fault and I lashed out because to be honest I was scared of almost losing Ryker, angry at the Prospect being killed and scared because I was starting to realize what I felt for you." I said pushing her hair back over her shoulder.

Birdy took a breath as she shook her head. "You were right though, my dad was in the business, paying for it because Sarah and I left the family and he wanted money, finding a way here. Remious turned out to be my university professor and I gave him all the details on the city and policies which he used. God I am so stupid how did I not see that?" She said as tears slid from her eyes making me brush them off with my thumb.

"Because they were good at hiding their intensions. You go around seeing good in people and don't live your day to day life playing people like they do. And I wasn't right to accuse you of anything and I'll do anything to make it up to you. It's over now if you can take comfort in that."

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