35: Final Vote

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Double posted today so be sure to check out previous chapter =)


"Before we get going is there anything you boys would like to open the floor with?" Prez asked after banging the gavel signalling the start of church, I sat up sending a nod to him.

It had been a week since everything went down and since Birdy agreed to become my Luna. Now it was finally time to tell the brothers. Anytime a brother wanted to claim a woman it had to go to the table, if the club loved them there was no problem and they were a true luna. Birdy needed time to process and with things calming down in the club now was the time for the vote so that I can be with her unconditionally in this life, and because the perfect date for her claim would be coming up.

Birdy had cried the first couple nights for hours about killing her father, scared that it would mean she would become like him. Not to mention her trouble getting into the shower as she would start crying and run out of the room remembering what was done to her. The first time I had to hold her onto the ground as she started to scream in terror; brothers had busted down the door hearing that.

We had stayed at the club house this week but would be fully moving into the house I bought sometime this week thankfully allowing us to get away from the brothers. She nearly gave me a heart attack one night when I found my bed empty. When I went looking for her I found her at the bar with Briac talking about not being able to get everything out of her head. Whatever Briac said helped her as she seemed more comfortable at understanding that it was okay for her not to be okay and I would find them talking together late at night. I was grateful for the brother, he accepted her in the club fully now and used his own experience with PTSD to helping my woman get back to herself.

I stayed with her every second showing her I got her, knowing that what she went through didn't mean she was weak but strong for surviving.

Remious was shown no mercy and Prez took him apart piece by piece. Literally. He was finally killed last night so now there was nothing else holding me back from bringing a vote.

"I would like to call a vote, I have asked Serenity Carter to be my luna and she has said yes. I would like to claim her this Wednesday." I smiled as all the brother in the room pounded their fists on the table yelling.

"FUCK!! She didn't tell me! Dammit I was one week off." Hamlet grumbled before looking me in the eye, "You fucking hurt again I'll fucking make you feel un-imaginable pain."

"Second that." Spotter said to me, I just smiled and nodded before looking at Prez.

"All brothers who are in favour of Serenity Carter as Luna to Hunter say 'aye.'" He called, every brother calling aye. "Serenity, Birdy, has became a Luna to the club, you all know the respect that title deserves. Claiming will be Wednesday all brothers must attend and don't worry Hunter I ordered her cut a long fucking time ago."

I chuckled in relief as I felt Ryker's hand grasp my shoulder shaking it in victory; I didn't realize how nervous I had been. Sure the brothers have loved her since the moment they met her with a betting board but there was still a fear that this was too good. But it was and there wasn't anything wrong with that, I had my club and I was soon to have my woman.

"Alright I have something I would like to say," Prez said as the brothers quieted down after talking about their placing in the bet. "I had gotten soft, too relaxed and something hit the club. It is time I stepped down and go Nomad. I am calling a final vote for Briac to become your new president."

We were all stunned, sure we knew he had been thinking about this for a while but the time was actually here. Prez was stepping down.

"Briac has shown true dedication to the club, tactical thinking and will serve this club well. I open for a seconing of the motion before a final vote." He called.

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