23: All In

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"What's legit?" Prez asked looking to his daughter confused but with pride.

Princess looked at me silently asking if I wanted to start this.

I sighed picking up the cards, "At the race; after I gave that man a new face, one of the girls I know handed me a flash drive. She started working for Remious after he showed up threatening her children. She rushed talking about how Remious has a lot of manpower and someone is footing their bill which is why they are good at hiding. Said if something was to be done it should be soon." I shrugged feeling Hunter's grip on me tighten.

"What's on the drive?" Briac asked, all business putting his cards down.

"One bank account of an AC, couple locations and names of girls being forced into this. The AC is a Swiss bank account that it is wiring money so I'm not sure if I'll be able to trace it. Most of it is pretty low intel so I'll need to backtrack for final locations. I'll have the tech prospect help me out while I look into Birdy's life." She handed the computer to Briac.

"Why is Princess looking into you Birdy?" Prez asked, his voice hard.

I felt myself under his gaze as I placed my chips in the pot trying not focus on how terrifying the man can be; Hunter's grip tightened.

"The man from earlier said my photo is being passed around and according to Ruby the man who is paying wants me in the deal. Don't know who or why." I placed my cards down in front of Spotter who sighed as I took his chips.

"You're not leaving my sight outside this clubhouse. Fuck, give me one of those locations I'll go beat them myself and the fucker downstairs." Hunter growled.

"Birdy lockdown." I snapped my head up to Prez. "Princess get the locations, Birdy call the girls tomorrow, bring them in." With that he slammed his hand on the table standing up, motioning to Ryker as he walked to the basement.

I looked at my cards and to Spotter; he was a good poker player not giving anything away. We kept playing, quiet as the others talked about how they needed to fuck those guys to end this.

Couldn't blame them; I was trying to think of a reason why someone would want me but I couldn't think of one. I'm not connected to anyone, I have no-one. Hunter's fingers threaded in my hair relaxing me; he knew that even though I was emotionless I could use comfort. Did I have him? Looking around the tables at the club, did I have them?

Hearing of keeping a tail on me I snapped back into their conversation; "No, I don't need a babysitter; I'm not even a member of this club. They need to trust my intentions so I suggest Princess to come along, they would trust a female rep of the club more than you guys. I can handle myself, if anyone tries something I'll do what I did to that fucker in the basement." With that I placed all my chips in in the pot looking Spotter in the eye; "all in."

Spotter smirked following my action, "made her a terrifying force to be reckoned with Brother."

"She always was." Hunter said shifting under me. "You are a part of this club, you work for us so you are part of it. You're not getting out of having a tail; not taking a risk."

Spotter placed his hand down showing a full house of Ace and Queens. "Fuck Spotter." I said hearing people groan watching as he moved to take the chips, my hand on his stopping him. "Not good enough I'm afraid." Smirking I placed my hand of a straight flush onto the table, Spotter looking proud that I beat him.

I shrieked as I felt myself lifted, thrown over the shoulder of Hunter who started walking away from the table. "Hey take me back, those chips belong to me!" I shouted trying to get out of his grip but he tightened it.

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