13: Action

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I sat down with Clary and Doc at a booth, the man from the bar who winked at me earlier placed a couple beers down. I noticed the same collar tattoo that Briac had and the name 'Spotter' on his cut.

"Thanks Spotter, will you tell me what that board is with my name?" I asked with a sincere smile hoping that maybe someone will give the answer. Spotter had a good feel to him, a watchful presence that seemed to be watching for anyone who may pass into the clubhouse doors.

"Don't worry Serenity, it's against Hunter not you." With that he walked away.

Fuck yes, not everyone has started calling me 'Birdy'. I still don't understand why Hunter calls me that. Your always in flight he said but no I fought before I fled. Saying that sounds like I run from a fight but I fought them head on. I originally called him Viking for his hair and air of authority but he was right, he was a wolf. It's his presence of walking like he owns whatever he walks into, ready to take anything on that comes his way, primal.

"I really can't stay, I finished working out so not sure how I smell and now I guess I'm helping Hamlet with the escort business? I should head home and look up what that means." I said looking to the ladies.

"Escort business? Hamlet is running the escort business?" Doc asked shocked removing her bun allowing her long black curls to fall.

"Yeah makes sense since we are planning on government officials to become clients and he knows that crowd. Though knowing his adrenaline need it will only be for the beginning before he goes back to full time security." Princess said with a shrug. "I didn't actually think that you would take part in it though, a little but not working side by side?"

"Maybe she just wants an excuse to hang around a certain rider?" Doc said with a wink.

"If you are talking about Hunter then stop, not interested no matter how hot he... Wait that's not what I was saying I meant that I am determined to make a different for those girls and if I can help in an unconventional way I will." I rushed out, my face flushed and mind flustered. "Tell me about you ladies?"

I quickly turned the conversation on them, who thankfully moved the conversation on. Princess started talking about a new bike she wanted to get, some kind of Harley Davidson low back? I made a mental note that if I was hanging around an MC I should learn about bikes.

With them talking about the bikes I was lost; both in their conversation and a memory. I couldn't help remembering the beginning of the week. My arms wrapped around Hunter, my cheek and body pressed firmly against him. The cold air whipping around us. As terrifying as it was, it was also exhilarating and freeing. I want to be on one again, I want to be wrapped around him as he drove around the city knowing that despite what happened that night I have never felt safer and how the more we rode the more the world disappeared behind us.

I felt my eyes drift over to the bar where I saw him standing next to Briac and Spotter who had taken his post behind the bar again. I took my time studying Hunter this time. The way he stood next to Briac, standing straight focused on whatever the three were discussing. The arrogance and smirk wasn't there, no it was pride. The way he stood next to his brothers and held his cut; he was proud to be in this club and ready to fight for anyone who hurt it.

I'm used to people using me or getting ready to use me in a chess game of power and control. Yes, Hunter annoys me with that fucking smirk and nick name along with being ready to save me at any second. But I am not a damsel needing saving, yes, I have gotten myself in trouble but I have gotten myself out of trouble. Why does he care and why do all his brothers make a big deal out it? I see some of the girls in here making out with brothers and rubbing up them but they don't give a shit about that. No, they care about me being around him.

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