12: Betting

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They have been in there for too long... Too fucking long. I don't know the exact amount of time they have been in there but the second those doors closed it had been too long.

What are they talking about? Princess seemed to like her and trust her as she's been talking to her all week and mentioned how she may be helpful. If the Princess is in, Prez will go for it but Briac... Not sure he will take their opinions into account when forming his own. Which means Briac is doing all he can to get a read on her at this moment. and I am just sitting here.

Wait why should I fucking care?

Of course, Birdy saw the betting slate Tatt put up behind the bar, he nearly got himself killed when Spotter saw him back there. Only Spotter is allowed back there but the bastards didn't care. Tatt being Tatt, went full out with having three columns on the bet; Bang, date, and Luna. Naturally everyone is now in on it betting all over the place, even asking Ryker his opinion on the matter.

Most are on bang, few on date and only a couple on Luna. I tried to shut it down but that only made brothers more invested to keeping it up. Did debate risking going behind the bar to take it down but one warning look from Spotter stopped me.

Then she walks in with that prospect whose whole face was red, puffy and irritated, easily from having been pepper sprayed, and Tatt had to say right then for me to marry her. Her eyes slightly widened when she heard that comment but she was too focused on the prospect to let the comment sink in.

I was beginning to see that maybe she was similar to me; itching for a fight maybe for different reasons but she didn't run, nah, she stood tall even when you could see that she was freaking out. Not many people would walk into here with one of ours after having just fucked them up, yet she did.

I raised my beer up taking a sip tipping my head back and closed my eyes to try to get some peace. But the second I close them her face appears and those damn eyes. The brothers; Ryker and Tatt are sitting in my booth across from me with Hamlet sitting next to me, all talking about what happened and that dam blonde.

"You sure you can handle her? Princess mentioned to Briac that she's from a pretty cookie cutter family yet in one week she has stabbed someone, brought a broken bottle under your face, pepper sprayed a prospect and walked willing in here after doing so." Tatt said making me lower my head to look at him.

"Nothing is going on with Birdy and me. Barley know the chick." I said making the brothers laugh, why didn't they just get that.

"Yeah and during that time you have taken her on your bike twice, which you never do, spent the night at her place just to make sure she didn't fall unresponsive due to her head, which again you never give a damn about, and oh had Briac put a prospect on her, which yeah never done that before. Fuck don't know any brothers that have outside security." Tatt began laughing with the others.

"Hey leave, what was it Wolf? Yeah Wolf, leave Wolf alone, he's in uncharted territories." Hamlet replied trying to ruffle my hair, resulting in me slamming his hand on the table making him wince. "Fuck bro don't come to me when you need woman troubles."

"Yeah because you know women Hamlet." Ryker shook his head. "It's alright Wolf.I'm sure you'll just be in the pit constantly as you have this week trying to wrap your head around this. Bikers tend to go after these things fast. And I'm to help you with the woman troubles."

I don't need to go to anyone for woman troubles because there isn't a woman. But as much as I wanted to deny it, the control I had always disappeared when she walked in. I was beginning to sound like a fucking broken record. Control yourself, oh look you didn't, pay attention.

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