6: The MC

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I had woken up completely disorientated, in a new place barely remembering what happened. The second I found myself remembering the attack I bolted not caring what was being yelled at me when I ran.

When I had been grabbed for the second time tonight I reacted as quick as I could resulting in the broken bottle in my hand.

I held the bottle firm against the man's throat, my neck throbbing and my head felt like it was going to crack open at any second but I couldn't hand myself over. I don't remember what happened just that I was grabbed by a man and this man in front of me could be him. He was tall, very tall, with a muscular build, hazel eyes and long dirty blond hair in a man bun. God damn he's hot... What the fuck focus!

"I like her. Though don't think you'll be able to tame this one brother." A guy to his left said with a small corner smile looking at the man who had the bottle under him.

A girl with dark hair came up and slapped the back of his head hard causing him to grimace and swear under his breath.

"Girls don't get tamed Tatt, no wonder you can't stop being a man whore." The girl grumbled walking to where I was, my bottle still at the guys throat. I started to look around to see twenty or so extremely tall and muscular men in leather jackets staring at me; if I wasn't scared then I was now. "Hi you must be Serenity, I'm Clary don't worry about these boys they are harmless. Welcome to the Riders of Silence. Why don't you put the bottle down and we can go talk? Loving your dissertation by the way."

"The what? How, how do you..." I began, I don't know her, I don't know anyone here so how could she possibly know what I am doing for a dissertation. My professor has it on a silent study only allowing people to read it on a need to know basis.

"Oh, I found your License, did a quick search to see who you were. And the Riders of Silence are the MC. I swear no one is going to hurt or they will deal with me personally." She said with a sweet smile but I saw that almost all the men took a step back besides one who just ruffled her hair. "Bro.... So, the bottle?"

She looked up my license? How could she know all that from just a search from my name? She kept staring at me and motioned to the makeshift weapon I still had lift that was now causing the man in front of me to bleed.

"Oh... right..." I took the bottle off the guy's throat and staring at him again... fuck he is hot... wait seriously now? "Sorry, rough night." He just nodded with his smirk back on.

I looked around shifting on my feet, my grip still hard around the bottle as I looked at all the men in front of me. The girl may seem nice but that didn't mean the rest of these men are and I have no recollection of how I came to be in their presence.

"Come on let's go to my room." She smiled sweetly as she took notice of my discomfort, making me turn to where she nodded for me to follow her down one of the corridors.

As I walked, I couldn't help looking over my shoulder making eye contact with the guy from before who winked back at me. I felt heat creep up spun my head around to the girl in front of me.

"Here we are." She opened a door into a large room with a bed and computers all over the place with a joined bathroom at the end. It was tidy and painted a nice light blue shade with yellow curtains, not what I expected for a MC room.

Well it's not like I know anything about MCs so can I really expect anything besides having motorcycles?

"You are welcome to shower if you want." She said, "I have some clothes you can borrow." Looking down I saw that I was covered in dirt in blood, not all of that was mine.

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