27: Way Down We Go

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Shit is about to get real interesting, don't hate me. 


I was seeing red. That's all I was seeing in my intense rage, the edges around my eyesight blurred  as I could only focus at the task at hand. Those mother fucking trash killed one of our prospects; a fucking kid! No one fucks with my club, no one and they killed our prospect like a goddamn pig at a slaughterhouse. I wanted to kill the fuckers as soon as I saw them but I know that Prez will make them pay; fuck he will probably let us all take a turn for retribution.

Since last night I have been on edge; knowing that yesterday Birdy and I had been watched, then to find my bike plasted with photos of her with a threat. I remember kissing her in response just because it is getting harder and harder to believe that she couldn't know who is doing this. Then I had told Birdy, told her about where I came from and she didn't shy away; instead she laid by my side tracing my tattoos. But those images of that life, memories of who I was were spinning in my head thinking about what I am going to do to those fuckers. Could I ever be free from that life and was it right for me to keep Birdy in this type of life?

I was twitching, my mind going through every horror in my life I have faced, the threats against Birdy, my club; control slipping from me and I will do anything to take it back.

Serenity calmed me down with one look at her when we found them and I had to step away; I couldn't be calm I needed my anger to get these fuckers. I didn't need her taking away that, make me lose my edge when I need it for my club. She may be a liability for when I need to do my job in the club and I couldn't afford to let my brothers down.

The image of the woman on the gate and Birdy's old apartment flashed through my mind while thinking of her and I found myself pulling the throttle harder as an unknown feeling came over me.

I pulled my bike off the road as we got to the hotel that Princess had tracked the licence plate from that drove from the compound. Nodding to Ryker and Tatt, we headed to the room that had the car in question parked out front of it. Tatt and I took out our guns while Ryker pulled out two long knives keeping the sword on his back. With a final nod from Ryker Tatt moved in front of the door kicking it open, the door slamming against the wall with a loud bang.

We moved in hearing someone swear as they jumped off the bed that was in front of the door. I grabbed the man by the collar shoving him down to the floor punching him in the face as he tried to get up. When I flipped him over I saw something catch my eye stopping me from finishing the fights and looking up to what else was in the room. Grabbing it out of his coat I saw that it was a picture of Serenity. I had just heard Tatt yell something about a gun causing me to see that the guy on the floor was about to shoot a pistol in my face barely giving me enough time to dodge out of the way as I hear him pull the trigger. Before he gets another chance to fire I reach over him taking his arm shoving it down at an odd angle until hearing a crack then taking the gun out of his hands.

"Fucking shit!" I looked up to see Ryker standing over an unconscious kid holding his neck as blood comes out from between his finger, "I'm fine, just a graze." He muttered taking his hand off the wound where it only started to bleed out more.

If I was seeing red before it was nothing to what it was now, Ryker had been shot because I got distracted, I could have gotten him killed all because of a picture of Serenity. All sense of mind was lost at that moment, all control gone, I was the mindless kid in the ring again. And just like that I snapped. 

"Why the fuck do you have this!" I yelled at the guy under me as I grabbed the photo shoving it in his face.

"Told she was part of the next job I was to have, boss said he was ready to have her back!" The kid screamed in fear. Back that means she knows who this is and has been hiding something. I grunted slamming his head down rendering him unconscious.

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