14: Message

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I was nearly at my bike, the taste of her lips lingering on mine, the slight saltiness from her work out. Glancing over to her car I thought about how sexy she would look in it but anytime she needs to get somewhere my bike is the first option.

About to get onto my bike I heard her; the terrified scream cut through the air stopping my heart. Without thinking I barreled up the steps I just came down. The stairs shaking, the ancient boards and nails ready to give way at any second. Blowing into the door I found her paralyzed in the doorframe to her bathroom.

Rushing to her I spun her around pushing her into my chest as I looked at the sight in front of me. Serenity clutched my cut gasping for air shaking, my arms tightening their grip. A hand holding her head to keep her safe in my chest with the other holding her waist not allowing her to move and look at the sight behind her.

My eyes scanned what was in front of me. A body of a woman was tied to the ceiling dangling naked with her throat slit, blood over the floor. They had killed her after tying her up there but it was what was on the body that made my blood boil.

Carved into the woman's body were the words; your next.

"Don't fall apart, don't fall apart..." Looking down I found her eyes shut tight, her knuckles white and face pale as she kept repeating those words over and over.

Bending down I picked her up, closed the door of the bathroom and walked backwards to sit on her bed. Getting her away from the death and metallic smell of the blood that has started to fill the room. I tightened my grip on her as she kept repeating those words, my hand took out my phone. Whoever did this was going to pay and I sure as hell will be spilling the blood of that person.

"Ryker." Ryker's demanding voice came through the phone, always ready for business, as Sergeant of Arms he has to be.

"Get the brothers to Birdy's apartment now, it is up the stairs of the Bakery. Bring the van and clean up." With that I ended the call and threw my phone down. "I got your Birdy, I got you."

"It's how she died." She whispered. My hand cupped her chin, lifting her face to look at me. Her eyes red with unshed tears and blood on her lips from biting them so hard. I took my thumb over to her lips, pulling them out from her teeth and wiped away the blood.

"Who?" I whispered softly.

"My sister Sarah, I found her bound upside down with her throat slip over year ago when I came looking for her. Oh god it's my fault." She choked a sob she was desperately fighting, "I interview the girl in there earlier this week. And her face, that knife wound is the one I inflicted on the man who attacked me."

She buried her face in my neck trying to calm her breathing and went back to repeating 'don't fall apart'.

Holding her, I took deep breaths keeping my anger down. She needs me, I will go after these fuckers but right now she's more important. Closing my eyes, I played with hair while whispering words of comfort. It must have worked as she stopped repeating and breathed deeply into me. Her grip on my cut the same. The more I played with her hair, held her against me and breathed her in; the more I never wanted to move. It felt too right and fuck me maybe I don't know what I was doing but I know I wasn't walking away from whatever this is.

I'm a fighter and I'll fight for whatever this is.

Not sure how long we stayed like that; Serenity wrapped around me and me holding her as I played with her hair. My fingers stopped when hearing the bikes roll up, the loud rumbling notifying me that Ryker brought the brothers. They came barreling up the steps, their boots stomping against the wood. Fuck can those stairs handle that many people?

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