21: Bathroom Sink

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"Hey babe, Princess is downstairs waiting for you?" Hunter asked making me feel all warm from him referring to me as 'Babe'.

Fuck what is he doing to me.

I walked out from the bathroom to see his back to me as he took off his boots, the smell of motor oil telling me he came back from the garage. "Yeah, they want to take to me to some bike race tonight, girls' night for MC ladies. You boys doing anything?"

It's been a crazy week of working at the club and if I wasn't working on the escort then I was in the ring with Hunter learning how to defend myself and fight against someone. Pretty sure my limbs are going to fall off any second.

"Think I heard something about poker while we plan our next retrib-" He cut himself off when he turned around to look at me. His eyes darkening as he looked me up and down slowly and repeatedly. Not like he did in training when he assessed my stance, no, right now he was taking in every part of my body. "Fucking hell Serenity you... Fuck you look..."

He didn't finish that sentence as the next thing I knew he picked me, slamming me into the nearest wall with his lips on mine. Sure, we have made out but it was nothing like this one which was deep, sexual, primal, making my panties flood. I wrapped my legs around his waist and ran my fingers through his hair pulling at it, not stopping the moan that escaped me when I felt him grind against me.

"God your fucking sexy, you have no idea what you do to me." He mumbled against my lips before he attacked them again with an intense fever.

"OY!!" I head Doc yell as she banged against the door, "Come on, let's go babe!"

I stopped kissing him with a groan as I unwrapped my legs from his waist putting me back on my feet. "Got to go."

He reluctantly let me go and walked over to his cut pulling out a knife to give me. "Watch your back, I don't like you guys going out with everything going on." His thumb went up to my lips fixing my lip color.

"Well it is a good thing I have been taking lessons by one of the best fighters then isn't it? I'll be perfectly fine against anyone who tries anything; Princess is most likely packing and same with Doc. Also, I know you boys, so I'm guessing you have a Prospect coming?" I raised my eyebrow as we headed down to the bar, his hand on my lower back perusal.

"You don't miss much do you?" He chuckled.

"Nope." We walked down the stairs seeing Princess and Doc both wearing similar black outfits as mine though they look more natural in it then I do.

"Dam darlin', you sure you want to be with Hunter? You and I would make a hotter pair." Tatt said resulting in Hunter's arms gripping my waist pushing me against his chest. "Easy brother no need to get so alpha just telling Birdy her options. I'm surprised you're letting her out like that."

"Only because I know she will stab and fuck up anyone who thinks they have the right to touch her." He growled back, not amused at Tatt's comment.

"And any of you guys for trying to tell her how to dress." Princess said swatting Tatt making me laugh. "Come on Serenity you going with me or Doc?"

"Uh neither, sorry girls but I got my Impala back so I'm taking her out." I said swinging my car keys around my finger, Hunter had fixed her yesterday resulting in me literally tackling him to the ground.

"That hot piece of car is yours? Get fucked! Okay we are taking your car." Doc said heading out the bar with Princess and a Prospect.

"Knew you guys would send us out with a Prospect." I said as Hunter turned me to face him, cupping the back of my head and kissing me. Matching his lips, I kissed back at him holding onto his cut trying to ignore all the wolf whistles and fists slamming onto the tables.

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