17: Lightspeed

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Ever watch Star Wars? Remember when the ships go into lightspeed, stars go whooshing past? Well that's how I feel right now. Little tidbit; mixing three cups of coffee and Adderall make you go into lightspeed. Would have been four but the Prospect Pepper cut me off.

Currently sitting at one of the booths I light-sped on my laptop that Spotter was nice to have packed for me and went over emails, policies in the city for owning a business, taxes, politics, and the upcoming prostitution law. The Prospect keeps looking at me like I am on crack since I'm typing so fast, switching between dashboards and muttering under my breath about stupid ass fucking crooked cops and pimps.

I was hesitant going into this escort since I wanted to focus on the study to help the girls but now I'm going to do anything to fuck over the pimps.

"You okay Birdy?" Looking up I see Hamlet as the men fill out of the room where church was.

"OH HAMLET! Sit your but down we need to talk. So, I was going over the laws, businesses, policies and all the fun stuff for the escort and I got some ideas of locations and other things to take into consideration." I rambled as he sat down in front of me with a weary expression.

"You accepted this last night, how have you gotten that much information?" His eye roamed over me as I bounced in the chair.

"I'm brilliant and may have had a couple cups of coffee and Adderall which makes everything go fast plus you guys were in church? Yeah church, for like three hours so it was plenty of times to get this together." I passed him the notebook I have been scribing on.

"Yeah... I can't read cursive Birdy. I think there should be a rule that you don't have coffee."

I gasped. "Don't even think about taking coffee away from me or I will learn how to ride a motorcycle on your bike."

Hearing laughter I turned as Hunter slipped into the booth next to me, Tatt sliding beside Hamlet. They chuckled about Hamlet going to be run by me as I saw Spotter moving tally marks around on my name board. I groaned still not knowing what that meant and looked at Hunter who tried looking innocent.

"Briac, I have a quick question about the escort." I tried to sound calm as Hunter placed his hand on my bouncing legs to still them.

"You work fast, what is it?" He looked amused by my caffeine and Adderall behavior. I truly didn't know if Briac liked me but he must find something in me to involve me with his club.

"I was looking into buildings and what paperwork would need to be done and I was thinking it should be placed under a third party not the club. Since technically the law has not been passed yet it would protect from cops trying to shut it down. Those fucking dirty fuckers. Having it under a different name they wouldn't be able to go against the club even with it being your business, they would have to go against whatever name is on reports." I focused on Hunter's hands as Briac analyzed me.

"You know about dirty cops and this already?" His face turned suspicious, the the other men sat up straight as Hunter's hand tightened around my thigh.

"Because this was in my email this morning," I passed Briac my laptop, "the cops ordered the university to shut down my study. All of my research, findings and contacts are to be released to them and deleted on my servers. Professor Wilde has obliged to shutting it down having me write a final findings report and sign a nondisclosure agreement. If I fail to comply a warrant will be issued for my arrest for putting members of the public at risk. First, they don't give a shit about my sister's murder and now they are taking away my study. I'm going to fuck with them anyway I can which means helping to ensure your escort will be the best ever and pimps will get fucked. So yeah, those fucking dirty cops.... Which it had to have been since this study was not public knowledge, it was only between the university department and police." I reached for my coffee only to have Tatt pick it up and drink it.

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