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"Hi mommy!" I excitingly said as I rushed towards her. Mommy's expression wasn't too pleasing to see. Her eyes were... emotionless.

"If you're going to be a Wolf , you must understand..." My mommy coldly tells me as she gives me her usual disappointed look. Hanging my head low, I felt tears forming in my eyes, sniffle out ---slightly as I try to hold in my tears. If I want my mommy to love me, then I must do it..... I must!


"Halt den Mund, Liebling." (Shut up, darling.) Whispering into his ear, I pushed the push dagger directly on his neck, digging right through his throat. His screaming turned into broken ones filled with all the pain he felt... Ha. Pulling out the dagger from his throat, I smirk as I felt his warm blood quickly run down onto my hand. Not giving him a chance, I push the dagger into his throat again but this time I applied more force and turned it, destroying his vocal cords.

Poor little thing couldn't do anything but just lay there helplessly... Never trust a woman hunny. Leaving the push dagger in his throat I looked directly into his eyes, my hands cupping his cheeks as I observed his every movement. He wasn't moving. Rather just laying there limply, his eyes were slowly shutting close as his breathing became almost nothing. He was dead.

Straddling him, I pulled my push dagger out of his throat, blood immediately running out of the hole, meaning he practically drowned in his own blood. Not bothering to clean up the mess, I placed my dagger into my bra, still containing his blood as well as some skin. As I left, I tilted my hat down to cover my eyes from cameras. I didn't bother destroying the cameras since I knew the footage would be deleted within the next few minutes, but even if it didn't and they watch the footage they would never know who killed him. He invites ladies into his apartment every single night.

As i'm walking on the sidewalk I pull out my flip phone, keeping my eyesight directly in front of me. I dialed the number I had memorized and placed it up to my ear. Hearing someone pick up the line, I replied with a 'Komplett' and flipped the flip phone closed, putting it back in my long black coat.

Night time was one of my favorite times. No one was really around during these time unless you were a drunk white girl stumbling around, members of gangs, drug dealers, killers, and mobs....
I on the other hand aren't any of those, sure I may have killed someone and kill others but I don't do it to please myself rather I've been trained to do it. I'm an assassin who's been trained at the age of seven.

"You're a disgrace, you aren't a Wolf..." hearing the faint voice of my mom in my head I just shook my head slightly at it. That little sentence has been repeating in my head over the years. It's what's been getting me to improve all the time.

As minutes passed by I soon started to get closer to where I told the cab driver to stay. Seeing the headlights beaming I knew he felt skeptical with me.
Getting inside the cap I put on my seat belt, giving him the hint to go. Within seconds he was speeding off.

New York was something else, something I absolutely hate. I don't like the fact that there's so many goddamn people around... I have a mission to complete by a certain time and if I don't I will receive consequences...
I hate the fact that there was so much goddamn light illuminating meaning I have to be even more cautious with how I kill my victim.

Looking at the small clock that was in the cab it was around 3:57 a.m.. Damn do I really have time to do it? The pros outweigh the cons but then again, I could kill whoever witnesses it or even looks me in the eye.

My eyes are... unique. No one on earth has my eye color. Both of my parents have green eyes while I was born with brown. Over the years my eyes turned into another color. The scientists told me that if anyone saw my eyes they would have to die and I agree with that. I can't expose myself like that or Something could happen to me.

The cab stops at a beautiful white brick apartment complex. Giving him one hundred bill I stepped out of the cab. As soon as the door was shut he sped away... he was scared.
Looking at the apartment I inspect it, five levels for five homes... I'll assume that there's eight people currently in the building.

Seeing a card scanner next to the door I pull out an all access card where it pretty much opens up any kind of door/gate that has a card scanner. As the scanner flashes green meaning I had access to enter I opened the door and went in. Seeing that everything was off I had a good chance of killing him without causing much trouble to the neighbors.

'Level 4' I told myself as I climbed up the stairs. Quietly taking out the Ruger SR-Series gun as well as the silencer I put them together, hearing it 'click' as it was on completely. Reaching to the fourth floor I noticed an open window in the hallway... My escape route. Reaching to the door my hand reaches to the knob only to realized that it was unlocked.... Poor bastard made a wrong move. Stepping inside the apartment home I closed the door, hearing loud snoring coming from the living room.... Heavy sleeper I see.

Walking towards the direction I hear his snoring I placed my gun back in my pocket, the silencer poking out since it was too long. Seeing him sleeping on the couch with nothing on but his boxers I got an idea... Since he was a heavy sleeper he wouldn't really hear much nor feel much unless I did something and like my mother told me always play with your prey before they go.

Lifting my leg over his lap I placed myself down, straddling him. Grabbing his hands I placed them together and with one hand got a pair of cuffs out of my pocket from coat and placed them on him. Hearing it click multiple time till I was satisfied I lifted myself up, placed his cuffed arms underneath me and sat down. Leaning down I whispered into his ear , "Darling, aufwachen." (Wake up.) Placing a kiss on his cheek I felt him stir in his sleep... He really isn't going to wake up huh?

Getting out my gun from my pocket I playfully aimed between his eyes but lowered it slightly, applying much force I swung the gun, hitting his face forcefully causing the sound of metal and bone hitting each other echo around the room.

"What the fuck!" He groans out in a raspy voice, feeling his hands try to move I lifted my gun up and pointed it at him. His eyes shot open only to have a scared look, his eyes went wide with shock as if he seen a ghost.... He saw my eyes.

"Good morning, my dear." I smirked at him, clicking off the safety switch. His body began to shake underneath me, he was scared for his life. I guess he thought he was smart by trying to lift his body up to get me off of him but sadly for him I didn't budge and kept him down, my smirk was completely gone and I tilted my head to the side.

"Wrong move, Spiel ist aus." (Game over.) I pulled the trigger, the bullet went directly between his eyes.... A direct kill. His body immediately went limp underneath me, his eyes rolled back as his mouth opened slightly. Blood splattered onto me and the couch. Luckily there wasn't any noise so it wouldn't alert anyone.

Getting off of him I turn around and walked towards the front door, once again not bothering to clean up the blood or even hide the body. Leaving the door open I turned towards the window... Getting close I lifted the glass fully up, putting one leg out and after another. Once my body was now technically out of the building I throw myself over to the next roof that was a couple of feet away. My hands grabbed onto the small railing that was on the top and pulled myself up and over it. My feet landing onto the roof I lightly brushed off any dust that I might have got on my black coat and began to run towards the next roof.... Rooftop parkour time.

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