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Sicily Italy, such a beautiful place to be in. I see why many people like to come to Italy for a vacation, it's nice. As soon as I got into the plan I fell asleep, who know we could be here within hours. I woke up inside a car, we passed by the sea only to see beautiful light turquoise water. I don't Belong here, it's all beautiful and full of love, that isn't me.

I was told that we would have to go to his parents house for a couple of hours since his father has to speak to him about the theft. I don't want to go but I have to, I'm being forced to meet his parents...

As we get inside a very gated community I felt the phone vibrating from my back pocket. Reaching for the phone I answer as I place it next to my ear.

"Who's this?"

"The detective that spoke to you." Shit... another reason why I hate my boss, he gave him the phone number I had... He's being petty isn't he? Letting out a long sigh I place my fingers on my temple and massage my head slightly.

"What can I help you out with..."

"I need you to come by the station to be questioned and need you to tell us about your parents-"

"I'm sorry but I'm on a business trip that will last for a bit."

"Alright, come within a week." The phone went dead making me slightly angry, who does he think he is to hang up on me?
Throwing the phone onto the ground I let my head lean back, closing my eyes as I try clearing my head. I already told him my story, I told him to confirm my location with my boss... What now? Am I a suspect now?

"You'll be known as my girlfriend." I slowly open my eyes and turn my head towards D'Angelo. I don't dare speak to him just stare. What I supposed to say? Yes? No? It wasn't a question. It's not like I already have to deal with such bullcrap today now this...

Minutes passed by, looking out the window I noticed a beautiful medium sized house, the garden had beautiful bushes that were trimmed as well as flowers sprouting all over the place. We pull into the driveway, I expected them to have a larger house but it makes sense that they live here. After all his father is retired from the mob life.

Exiting the car we both walk towards the front door, both of us expressionless. Before D'Angelo could knock a middle aged woman opened up the door with a huge smile.

"Mio figlio è finalmente tornato!" (My son is finally back!) In a swift move she embraces D'Angelo. Looking at him he smiles down at her as his arms wrapped around her. Looking away from them I roll my eyes slightly. Love is weak, it's leverage for your enemy.

"E chi è questo?" (And who is this?)

"Questa è la mia ragazza, ash." (That's my girlfriend) Hearing the nickname D'Angelo gave me I turned to look at him. His mother was smiling brightly at me which made me feel... uncomfortable. I need her to stop smiling at me.

"This is my mother." I look up at him with a duh face, I knew that she was his mom, I'm not dumb. Extending my hand out she grabs it and shakes it, I nod slightly since I don't know what to say.

His hand rested behind my back as his mother lets us in her home. I look at D'Angelo with a look of annoyance. I swat his hand off my back as soon as his mom left us, what the heck is this goooish shit?! He slightly pushed me forward making me want to punch him.

"Do you want to stay here or go up with my father?"

Without any hesitation I choose the latter. I don't want to be surrounded by positivity since his mother is full of joy and I'm not into that. Going up the flight of stairs I kept hitting his hand away from my back but always put his hand back on my back.

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