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"D'Angelo... she was taken!" Amelia, D'Angelo's sister cries out loud as she fall on the ground. D'Angelo put everything down on his desk and rushes to his sisters for assistance. As he's picking her up I noticed rage forming within him, he was in loss of words... so was I.

"Where's Marco?" D'Angelo calmly asks a sobbing Amelia. Placing her on the couch he squats down to her level and looks at her. Looking away at the situation I began to type on the computer... I'm not part of this family issue.

"He was taken with her...."


It's crazy how a month has passed already, it only seemed like two weeks but for D'Angelo it seemed like months. We haven't been able to sleep much, especially Amelia due to the unfortunate event that happened. Within that day that Mia and Amelia's husband, Marco were kidnapped we figured out it had something to do with the murder of my family, and the theft but what was weird is that the theft that happened with D'Angelo isn't really that involved but it has little to do with it.

Mr.Williams, the guy that Dante brought in for questioning wasn't our guy, in fact what I found out is that the blood that was placed there was to cover up another very small blood stain behind it that could have given us a lead to whoever did this but since it was contaminated with his blood it was impossible to get it out, Mr. Williams blood contaminated it. We didn't have the footage but our suspicions went towards the friend that helped out, turns out he was found dead three weeks ago...

Setting the laptop next to me I stare at the ceiling, blowing out a sigh of frustration. Currently it was seven p.m., in a couple of hours I would have to get ready for an undercover mission with just D'Angelo. I wanted to do this alone but D'Angelo still hasn't given me that freedom of doing what I do best because I broke another rule as well as me being a whole assassin thing. He hired me for a reason and in order to complete this job I have to be in my natural environment, by myself, no one with me.

"Take the pill ash." I let out a slight chuckle at what I remembered from five weeks ago.
"I don't need any children." I find it funny because I was born different, I rarely get my periods due to something about my uterus, in short terms i'm not fertile so I have a very very low chances of getting pregnant and it doesn't bother me one bit. The test that I've been put though made it worse .

Getting up from the bed I walked over to my dresser, pulling out a knife I noticed it was touched... I always cleaned my knifes before I put them on with glove's to get rid of any evidence of what happened if any cops decided to suspect me, it's better to be safe than sorry at the end. Someone came in here looking for something... They happened to touch my little baby in the process, I guess i'm going to call my brother and ask him to come down here or go over there. Pulling out the burner phone I dialed his number. It weird saying brother since I never knew I had one but deep down it's nice knowing I have a sibling that I can relate to in some things I do. He's been helping me out alot lately with updating me with new data bases since my boss has failed to update and contact me about simple things. 

After contacting my brother I broke the burner phone in half and tossed it over to the trash bin, I've called to many times that there's a chance that something could happen. In a couple of weeks i'll go aboard on a plane to the United States just to do some investigating with him since afterall he was a detective. Putting the knife back I go towards the bathroom to get ready, D'Angelo always want me to be presentable no matter where we are. Using the blow dryer I straightened my hair to remove any slight curls my hair decided to make. Putting on concealer, filling in my eyebrows, natural eyeshadow, and fake lashes I reached over for my gloss and carefully applied it, smacking my lips to make it an even layer. Grabbing the the container that had my contacts I washed my hands and opened it, putting them on, making sure they were on in the center. 
Once done I look at myself, admiring myself. I'm proud of what I've become, I'm proud of my body, I'm proud to be a Wolf.

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