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Closing my eyes I let out a sight as I brought the glass up to my lips, the taste of sweetness and sourness engulfed my taste buds. I'm not a wine person but I couldn't find his secret stash of goods. Opening my eyes I lean my head on the palm of my hand as it rested against the marble kitchen counter. Swiveling the wine in the glass I stare down at the counter, letting my thoughts consume me as I try to relax. It's been difficult. Even with the information that Dante gave us we couldn't find anything about the other mob which is a major waste of time for us as time is running out for me. 

Bringing the glass up to my lips I take another sip. The funny thing is that we can't figure out who the boss is. There's almost no trace of him as well as his father, the grandfather on the other hand we got a trace but it's useless since he's dead. 'Could he be hiding from us?' Taking another sip I told myself no. Mobsters don't hide- Unless... they are near others; not wanting to be detected by their enemies- like D'Angelo. Taking a sip I rubbed my temple as I felt a slight ache in my head. I've been at this for twenty two hours, not sleep, no food, just wine. 

"Ugh..." I sigh out loud as I realize I finished the last of the bottle of wine, the only thing that kept me going. Hearing the doors close from the kitchen I paid no attention, knowing It was him. Clearing his throat I looked up at him, noticing that he was shirtless... Don't tell me he was asleep while I was doing this. 

"Whisky?" He asks as he walked over to me. Noticing the empty bottle of wine he raised a slight eyebrow at me, questioning me in a way about it. I nod at him as I pushed the glass away from me. I prefer whiskey over wine any day. Walking through the kitchen to the dining room I followed him, stopping as he reached a locked door. Reaching in his pocket he gets out a golden key and inserts it in the lock, unlocking it he opens the door and let me go in first. The smell of wine engulfed my nose with a hint of alcohol. Surrounding the room were sehelves against the walls, covered in different types of alcohols and wines- expensive ones. Noticing a bar in the center I go and sit down on the high chair as I continued to look around the room.

Getting the glass he pours the whiskey in, adding two ice cubes at the end so it wouldn't melt. Placing it in front of me I thank him as I took a sip, I felt my body relax immediately, my mind was no longer filled with annoyance. Letting out another sigh I gulped down the rest of the drink, I can't sit around forever. Placing the glass down on the table I get up from the seat and left. 

Taking a few steps I was stopped. His hand reaches over to mine, pulling me back to him causing me to roll my eyes at his action. He just woke up from a nap while I haven't slept due to critical researching. At some point I was getting a call which turned out to be my boss. He called to apologize about not calling me nor updating any information, saying that I was too far away and that there was a lot of complications to it which was a lot of bull shit. If my brother could get me something in less than an hour he could too but I don't care... He's a traitor. 

"What." Turning myself to face him I gave him a blank look. I don't dare to look at his chest nor sweats since I knew my body will possibly turn against me. His face was hard which made me slightly attracted to him but his eyes got to me, they were dark but I could tell some authority was begging to come out. Leading me back to the bar we both sat down next to each other. Noticing that he still had his glass of whiskey he took another sip.

"I want to spend time with you." I scuff out loud, rolling my eyes at him and his mood. I can't do this... Why does he wanna do this suddenly? It's unbelievable. There's important things to do like find who is the head of the mob, are they close by, find Mia and her father, and more. Slamming his glass down it echoed, some of the whiskey spilled on the sides and onto the surface. My head is immediately turned to face him, he wasn't too happy.

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