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Throwing one last punch at the punching bag it rips from the side, sand slowly oozing out of the opening. Leaning my head back I closed my eyes, calming my beating heart due to going at it for five hours straight; No rest. I hate that I haven't been able to do anything for a month, I haven't had the time and because of that I'm receiving some sorta pain on my side near my abdominal area. I Should have stretched so I wouldn't feel this weakness... Turning around I head over to the bench that was against the wall, sitting down I grabbed the towel that was next to me and placed it around the back of my neck, letting it absorb the sweat that was already on or running  down. Taking a drink of water I place it down, letting my head hit the wall as I watched the punching bag completely empty itself, all of the sand now being a huge pile on the ground.

Today is the day we capture Dante, we investigate him as well as milk anything else from him. D'Angelo isn't happy with him thus during this whole week he's been really busy to the point where Dante only calls him which is good since he would probably beat the living crap out of him and possibly kill him. I feel bad in a way but that's what happens when you automatically assume someone that's considered family reliable and loyal...
I'm excited to capture him since I can finally get some action rather then be on the computer or phone, trying to get more information from others and one's we already know are connected with this theft, killing, and possible kidnapping. I say kidnapping since not just anyone would kidnap a mafias niece, whoever did it knew exactly who she was, who her father was getting married to, and willing to be in danger.

Letting out a small hiss as I get up from the bench, I let my hand rest on my side as the pain grew slightly worse. I shouldn't have been side kicking the bag knowing well enough that my legs arn't used to it anymore as well as arms. Not bothering to clean up the mess I created I walked out of the at home gym area, as long as D'Angelo doesn't walk in today i'll clean it up tomorrow morning, hoping if I get another chance to do this. Walking up the stairs I go into my room and straight to the bathroom, preparing myself to feel more relaxed. Taking off my shades and stripping out of my workout clothes I reached in the shower to turn on the hot water. As I let it warm up I walked over to the mirror. Staring at the counter memories came into my head.... That night... 

'D-D'Angelo.' Shaking my head slightly I walked over to the shower, getting in I let myself relax as the hot water ran down my hair to my back. While I took my shower I kept my eyes closed, not wanting to get flashbacks of that night. It doesn't matter that it was a while ago but everytime I come in this shower and look inside I get flashbacks of us being all adorable and shit. Releasing a sigh I messaged my scalp, getting all of the conditioner out of my hair. Turning off the shower I stepped out, wrapping myself with a towel as I dried my hair with another towel. D'Angelo is wanting me to go out today to go check on his sister as well as family, he wants to make sure their okay- well safe and sound to be more realistic since they aren't happy or too well. 

After brushing my teeth, brushing through my hair while adding coconut oil, adding makeup, and putting on my contacts  I walked out of the bathroom with no towel. As soon as I opened the door that lead to my bedroom I noticed a well dressed D'Angelo sitting on the edge of my bed, calling someone on his phone. Paying no attention to him I headed to my closet, only putting on a white thong I took out a short blue, off the shoulder white dot printed ruffled dress with white pumps and put them on. Looking at myself at the mirror I fixed my natural curls and dress, noticing that D'Angelo hung up and was walking towards me. Standing right behind me I felt my heartbeat skip a beat causing me to mentally punch myself.

"Yes?" I asked in a serious tone. D'Angelo hasn't gotten this close to me in a while which is making me skeptical with what he wants to do. In order for me to get rid of this I must not care nor be around him like that... Looking at me through the mirror he removes his hands from his pocket, one going on my hip while the other one went up to my neck making me raise an eyebrow at him. How am I supposed to get rid of this feeling? This warmth?!

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